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上海中学国际部:美国数学思维挑战获奖新闻                AMO 美国数学思维挑战获奖

Academic Competitions: 

AMO (American Mathematics Olympiad)

2022年度的美国数学思维挑战(AMO 2022)已圆满结束。该赛事是由新加坡国际竞赛委员会与南伊利诺伊大学(SIU)举办的国际性数学赛事,极具挑战性。我校各年级同学踊跃参加了本次竞赛,他们通过勤奋的学习和顽强的毅力为我校取得了14枚金奖,15枚银奖和16枚铜奖的辉煌战绩。

其中,George Z获得了八年级组的金奖Andrew W和 Austin Z获得了七年级组的金奖Ethan F,Hoyui,Zimo J,Bugeon K,Xiaoyi M,和Emma L获得了六年级组的金奖。除此之外,小学组也同样在比赛中收获颇丰。


The 2022 American Mathematics Olympiad (AMO 2022) has come to a complete ending. The competition is an international mathematics competition organized by the Singapore International Competition Committee and Southern Illinois University (SIU). Many students at our school enthusiastically participated in the contest, incredibly earning 14 gold medals, 15 silver medals, and 16 bronze medals.

George Z won a gold medal in the eighth grade group; Andrew W and Austin Z won gold medals for the seventh-grade group; Ethan F, Hoyui, Zimo J, Bugeon K, Xiaoyi M, and Emma L won gold medals for the sixth grade group. Our primary school students also achieved impressive results in the competition.

Once again, congratulations to all who obtained a medal for the contest. We sincerely hope that they could continue their journey to a greater self!

国际学校网《上海中学国际部:美国数学思维挑战获奖新闻 》原文地址:https://guojixiao.com/z/36173.html


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