The Qingpu District Primary School 5th Young Mathematics Teacher Workshop Study and Demonstration Activity
On the afternoon of February 28, 2023, members of the 5th Young Mathematics Teacher Workshop gathered at SUIS Qingpu to present their case study results on the theme of "Refining Units into an Hour". This activity mainly focused on research content from two perspectives: the overall teaching design of a unit on "area" and the case study report of "Graphic Measurement". Mr Yang Aijun and Ms Liu Jian, mathematics teachers and researchers from a Qingpu District primary school, Mr Liujian, Principal of Yan'an Primary School, and the tutors of the young mathematics teachers all participated in the seminar.
活动伊始,青浦区协和双语学校校长助理刘桂香老师为本次活动致辞,青浦区小学数学教研员杨爱军老师阐述了本次活动的目的主要是期望通过对“立足单元整体,优化几何教学” 课例研究成果的研讨,促进老师精准解读教材内容、整体分析单元目标、合理规划单元内容、调整单元课时安排、有效设计教学过程,提升课时教学设计与实施的有效性,进而促进教师教学方式的转变。
At the beginning of the seminar, Ms Helen Liu, SUIS Qingpu’s Assistant Principal, addressed the assembled educators to kick-start the proceedings. Qingpu District’s primary school mathematics research member Mr Yang Aijun expounded that this research was undertaken to address proper unit planning and effective teaching methodology.
Next, Mr. Ling JiaHui from Songze School and Ms. Sunny Shen from SUIS Qingpu both gave their teaching feedback on "Square Centimeters" and "Area of a Square and Squares". Mr. Ling attached great importance to building up students’ sense of the value of measurement in the classroom, and Ms. Sunny guided the students with observation, DIY tasks and imagination, developing the students' concept of space.
In view of the classroom teaching and lecture content of the two young math teachers, Mr. Xu Zhiwei from the Qingpu World Foreign Language School and Ms. Judy Yang from SUIS Qingpu spoke highly of the two lessons and also shared their own thoughts. Additionally, Mr. Yang Aijun asked the teachers in the workshop to put forward their own ideas and raise questions, invoking a strong atmosphere of collaborative development and learning.
随后,来自凤溪小学的周文婕老师就“面积”单元整体教学设计进行了介绍,让在场老师们都更加明晰如何在单元视角备课过程中解读课标要求,厘清教材脉络,把握数学本质,聚焦核心素养。庆华小学的金晓艳老师为大家层层剖析 “图形的测量” 课例研究报告,为我们展示了单元整体设计理念和图形测量领域教学的基本策略,让在座的老师都对“图形的测量”教学有了更深的认识。协和双语学校的王弘弈老师针对“面积”单元整体教学设计的专题交流谈了自己的收获体会,期待能在自己的课堂上把握单元目标,关注核心素养,调整教学方式。青年班导师曹建萍老师对“图形的测量” 课例研究报告给予了高度肯定,同时也给出了自己的建议,让学员们受益匪浅。
Later, Ms. Zhou Wenjie from Fengxi Primary School introduced the overall teaching design of the "Area" unit, which enabled the teachers present to have a better understanding of the requirements of the lesson standards through a unit perspective and the context of the teaching materials and the core competencies expected. Ms Jin Xiaoyan from Qinghua Primary School analyzed the example research report of "Graphic Measurement", showing us the overall design concept of the unit and the basic strategies and teaching methods in the field of graphic measurement, so that all the teachers present gained a deeper understanding of the teaching of "Graphic Measurement". Mr. Vic from SUIS Qingpu talked about the design of the "Area" unit. He shared that he hoped he could achieve the unit’s outcomes with his class, pay attention to the key skills, and adjust his teaching methods accordingly. Ms. Cao Jianping, a tutor at the workshop, praised the example case study of "Graphic Measurement" and gave her own suggestions, which greatly benefitted the young teachers.
Finally, the principal from Yan'an Primary School, Mr. Liujian, exhorted the students of the workshop for participating in the research with eagerness and modesty. He also tasked the young teachers to dare to persevere and make progress with their questioning during lessons.
Through this seminar, schools worked hand-in-hand with schools. With the leadership of experts, the seminar helped young teachers understand the structure and significance of overall unit planning and teaching, constantly reflecting on the design and implementation of the classroom teaching process, and developing core skills in lessons.
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