今年2月6日,土耳其东部与叙利亚交界处发生了7.8级地震,超过41,000人失去了生命,房屋设施遭到了严重破坏,救援难度异常艰难。寒冷气候、无情的余震更是加剧了这场痛苦。上海青浦区协和双语学校师生为土耳其地震募捐。On Monday, February 6, a 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck the countries of Turkiye and Syria, killing over 41,000 people and leaving millions of Turkish and Syrian citizens without homes. The unusually cold temperatures and frequent aftershocks have exacerbated the suffering of the victims and hindered search and rescue attempts.
当地灾情深深牵动着我们的心。2月10日青浦协和高中部经济学/商学老师 Heidi Cole 通过土耳其航空的公告,了解到物资可以从上海运往灾区,进行援助支持,于是第一时间将消息发布在教师、学生、家长联络群。This disaster has deeply affected the hearts of our school community. SUIS Qingpu High School’s Economics/Business Studies teacher Ms. Heidi Cole saw an opportunity to do something to help after Turkish Airlines announced that they would take much needed donations from the people of Shanghai to Turkiye. Ms. Cole asked members of our school community, via teachers, students, and parents, to gather donations and bring them to the school. Over several days, with enormous help and guidance from colleagues Ms. Shanley, Ms. Masek, Ms. Bukumira and Mr. Macbeth, the High School Charity Club helped to bag, box, and label donations in readiness for their transport to Turkiye.
短短一个周末,大量衣物、保温用品迅速集中到学校。本周一,Ms. Cole、Ms. Shanley、Ms. Masek、Ms. Bukumira、Mr. Macbeth 多位老师组织慈善社的同学细心地将物资按年龄、用途分类,在打包箱外标记好物品名称及数量便于区分,并用胶带再次全面封箱避免运送途中雨水雪水侵湿。衣物、卫生用品、婴儿用品、毛毯、床垫装满了整整20个大箱子,九年级 Edward 同学的家长还捐献了一整箱保温杯。
In an amazingly short time, our incredible community donated approximately 20 boxes full of warm clothing, hygiene products, baby diapers, blankets, and bedding to be sent to the affected areas of Turkiye. Edward’s parent even donated 100 Thermos flasks!
Whilst our contributions seem so small in the face of such a huge tragedy, we hope that our donations will bring warmth and comfort to at least some of the people affected, showing them that we care deeply about them. We hope that they will eventually be able to rebuild their lives, their homes, and their communities as soon as possible.
- 上一篇:上海青浦区世界外国语学校社团选报,社团招新啦!
- 下一篇:没有了
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