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IB泰斗Peter McCombe来昆山加拿大国际学校授课


  Senior IB trainer and IB Mathematics leader Mr. Peter McCombe was invited to instruct teachers at CISK

  顶尖IB培训官、数学泰斗Peter McCombe先生受邀为昆山加拿大国际学校老师们授课

IB泰斗Peter McCombe来昆山加拿大国际学校授课

  Education can be a profession, a cause or even a lifelong faith.


  Mr. Peter McCombe has been teaching since 1984 and is a senior IB trainer, authorizing officer, and consultant of IB schools. As a leading authority in the field of IB Mathematics, Mr. McCombe is always willing to share with and guide young teachers to spread the most cutting-edge educational philosophies to IB teachers around the world.

  Peter McCombe先生自1984年开始任教,是一位资深的IB培训官、授权官及IB学校顾问。作为IB业界的数学泰斗,Peter McCombe先生从不吝于分享,乐于向年轻的老师传道授业,将最前沿的教育理念传播给世界各地的IB老师。

IB泰斗Peter McCombe来昆山加拿大国际学校授课

  Mr. McCombe has worked across IB World Schools in Europe and Asia for more than 20 years. He was recently appointed by the global headquarter of the International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO) as a member of the Building Quality Curriculum (BQC) Team and was awarded the title of the “Lead Educator” for the Asia Pacific Region. Mr. McCombe has also been commissioned to write material for the Teacher Support Material (TSM)* and the new mathematics workshops of IBO.

  Peter McCombe先生在欧洲、亚洲的IB世界学校工作了二十多年,近期被IBO国际文凭组织全球总部任命为构建质量课程小组的成员,获得“亚太地区的首席教育者”的殊荣,受命为TSM(Teacher Support Material)* 以及IBO新的数学工作坊编著教材。

  Mr. Peter McCombe was the head of the math group and MYP Coordinator in many well-known international schools in China and currently serves as the senior IBDP Mathematics teacher, IBDP mentor, CAS Coordinator, and in-school IB trainer at YK Pao School, Shanghai.

  Peter McCombe先生曾在国内多所知名的国际学校内担任数学组负责人和MYP协调员,目前担任上海包玉刚国际学校的高级IBDP数学老师、IBDP辅导员、CAS*协调员以及校内教师的培训官。

IB泰斗Peter McCombe来昆山加拿大国际学校授课

  In this IB professional training during the orientation week, our school is honored to invite this dedicated educator to offer a two-day IB MYP&DP advanced course for teachers at CISK.

  本次CISK迎新周的IB职业培训会,我校便荣幸邀请到了这位无私的教育分享者,为CISK的老师们带了为期两天的IB MYP&DP进阶课程。

  Mr. McCombe's rigorous teaching style and witty speech attracted all the teachers on site. For questions raised in the class, Mr. McCombe patiently communicated with each teacher to impart core IB knowledge without any reservation.

  严谨的授课风格,博学多识的谈吐, Peter McCombe在课堂中展现出的魅力深深吸引了现场所有的老师。对于课堂中的疑问,Peter McCombe先生也会耐心地与每一位老师沟通交流,倾其所有去传授最核心的IB知识。

IB泰斗Peter McCombe来昆山加拿大国际学校授课

  In addition to the training, Mr. Peter McCombe also encouraged teachers to integrate class content into practice, take time to polish their courses, add personalized and innovative content to the subjects, and, finally, create their own way of teaching.

  培训之外,Peter McCombe老师还鼓励CISK的老师们将课堂内容融入到实践中,用时间不断地去打磨课程,并在课程中加入个性化的创新内容,最终走出一条属于自己的教学之路。

国际学校网《IB泰斗Peter McCombe来昆山加拿大国际学校授课》原文地址:https://guojixiao.com/z/3585.html


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