
British Physics Olympiad
在2022年11月12日的 “英国物理测评(BPhO)” 中,来自我们华茂国际学校IBDP项目的3名学生不畏挑战,凭借他们扎实的物理知识基础和努力备赛取得了1金1银1铜的突破性成绩:其中张书豪斩获全球金奖,尹涵畅荣获全球银奖,江泽宇获得全球铜奖Ⅱ!恭喜三位同学!
In the British Physics Olympiad held on November 12, 2022, Peter Zhang, Chase Yin and Jack Jiang from IBDP Y11, respectively successfully won Global Gold Award, Global Silver Award and Global BronzeⅡAward with their solid physics knowledge foundation and diligent preparations! Congratulations to them!
Winners’ Reflections on BPhO -
张书豪 Peter Zhang
(Global Gold Award)
First, I'm very happy that I can get the Global Gold Award in the BPhO contest. Thanks a lot to my physics teacher and my classmates. The Gold Award is never a finishing point. With the experiences I got from the competition, I believe I can do a better job next time.
尹涵畅 Chase Yin
(Global Silver Award)
It is an honor to have won this competition at BPhO. Personally, I found a lot of knowledge that I had never seen before during the preparation, so it was quite a long process to sort it out. As of the day of the exam, there was still a considerable amount of unknown knowledge, but due to the difference in this competition, I only tried to make as much as possible of the topics I was familiar with during the exam.In future lessons, I hope to further my understanding and learning of those new topics and hopefully have the opportunity to progress in the next competition.
江泽宇 Jack Jiang
(Global Bronze Ⅱ)
I am honored to get a reward in this physics competition. This achievement is a spur for me to work harder in future competitions. Diligent practice is always the basis of success, and this competition is a good reminder of the importance of practicing more. I need to thank my teachers and my classmates who accompanied me in my study, they have helped me a lot in my study path. I hope to achieve better results in the next competition!
英国物理测评(British Physics Olympiad)始于1979年,1983年正式为英国选拔国家代表队参与国际物理奥林匹克活动。英国物理奥林匹克组委会主要由牛津大学、英国物理学会和Odgen基金会组成,办公室设在牛津大学物理系。英国物理奥林匹克活动非常注重物理知识的灵活运用,全部试题为证明题。同学们需要运用自己所学物理知识完成挑战,其涉及的知识点非常广泛,挑战不要求同学们完成所有试题,而是鼓励同学们根据自己兴趣和学习范围选择完成自己擅长的部分。
The British Physics Olympiad is a charitable trust overseen by a committee of trustees. It was initiated in 1979, and has been used as a qualifier for the selection of the UK Physics Team for the International Physics Olympiad from 1983. The BPhO aims to encourage the study of physics and recognize excellence in young physicists through annual physics competitions. In BPhO, all problems are Proof based, so students will need to apply a large range of knowledge, and can choose which question to answer. It's designed to test understanding and problem-solving skills.
Intermediate Biology Olympiad
In the Intermediate Biology Olympiad held on the same weekend as BPhO, Candy Zhang from Y11 of IBDP won Global Commended Award based on her accumulated biology knowledge and diligent preparation. Congratulations to Candy!
Award Winning Speech from Candy Zhang
我在2022年的IBO竞赛中获得了优秀奖。参加这场比赛时,我还并没有学习许多生物方面的知识,但我依旧尝试通过题目和我过去的知识来推断问题的答案。除此之外,我认为如果没有我的生物老师Mr. Rahul,我很难获奖。他在教学中一直秉持耐心,保持热情,不仅以一种有逻辑性的方式教导了我和我的同学,也教导了我许多重要的技能和特质。在他的支持下,我成为了一个耐心、热情、有毅力的学习者。我相信,任何人都有潜力发展这些特质,并且取得优良成绩。
I was awarded as Commended in the 2022 Intermediate Biology Olympiad competition I took last year. Most questions were not taught back then, for example, the structure of DNA and RNA. However, I was still able to answer some of the questions by inferring regarding to the questions and using my present knowledge. I have to say that if my biology teacher Mr. Rahul is not there, I would never be awarded. I have learnt from Mr. Rahul, who always teaches with passion and patience, not only Biology knowledge but also essential skills and characteristics. Supporting by Mr. Rahul, I became a patient, passionate, and persevering learner in my study fields. And I sincerely believe it would be possible for everyone to develop these characteristics and to be awarded.
英国生物测评(中级)(Intermediate Biology Olympiad) 不仅考察学生的生物学知识,还鼓励他们在校外继续学习生物科学。成绩优秀者将增加世界名校医学、生物等理科专业申请优势。英国生物测评(中级)由英国生物奥林匹克委员会组织,由英国皇家生物学会管理。
The Intermediate Biology Olympiad tests students’ biology knowledge, and meanwhile, encourages them to continue studying the bio-sciences beyond school. Participants will obtain edge advantages when applying science majors in top universities. The competition is organized by the British Biology Competition Committee and managed by the Royal Society of Biology.
NBHIS has been committed to providing students with a variety of domestic and international competitions and comprehensive academic activities, covering mathematics, physics, biology, chemistry, English and other disciplines, as well as business and the World Scholar’s Cup. At NBHIS, we encourage students to participate in various activities to broaden their horizons, improve their comprehensive abilities in various aspects, and lay a solid foundation for entering the top universities in the future.
Congratulations again to the winners! We wish all the students a bright future ahead and great achievements in the New Year of Rabbit!
- 上一篇:上海世外教育附属浦江外国语学校小学部心理健康教育讲座
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