
We are still reminiscing about the Opening Ceremony of the Intercontinental Carnival, and we continue to immerse ourselves into our inquiry studies of the Americas in each subject. Yet, the Intercontinental Carnival activities in the Learning Resource Center (LRC), which have been occurring over the past month, are coming to an end.
Our LRC prepared a variety of extension and expansion activities for students throughout November, such as Americas-themed storytelling for lower grade students and story sharing and discussions for middle and upper grade students. An Americas-themed knowledge contest as well as hand craft activities and treasure hunting activities were also held. All in all, LRC teachers have led students through a month-long ‘deep tour of the Americas’ across multiple dimensions.
Next, let us follow our SUIS Qingpu students and review this year's LRC Intercontinental Carnival – the Americas!
Americas-themed Book Display
From November 1 to 11, the LRC set aside a special area to display Chinese and English books related to the Americas, making it very convenient for both students and teachers to borrow them. We also set up videos of the Americas for students to watch during their play time.
Story Sharing
For every child, stories are spiritual food in the process of growth, it is like the seeds sown in the child's heart, enlightening the child's mind, guiding the child to gently feel and think.
In the first week of the Carnival, we invited 5 ‘story moms’ to visit the LRC to spend time with students. With the help of our LRC teachers and supported by our book and technology resources, the mothers selected five books to use for telling wonderful stories to the children.
The Little Prince Who Chases the Dream
11.9 《魔力小镇》
Magic Town
The Poorest Grandfather Came to Have a Speech
11.11 《传家被》
Two students from Grade 3 also volunteered to lead a story-sharing session! They shared about the deeds of some famous American characters through the telling of several Disney stories using their wonderful child-like language skills – their wonderful performance won warm applause from the entire audience.
LRC Handcraft
How can we read a book without using a bookmark? Taking advantage of play time, students participated in a handmade bookmark activity in the second week of the Carnival. Line-ups for the activity almost extended out of the LRC, showing how popular the activity was!
Using their own creativity and imagination, and with the assistance of the LRC teachers, students made beautiful bookmarks rich in elements from the Americas. They also learned about the animals, plants and geographical elements of the Americas though the activity.
America Quiz Contest & Treasure Hunt
The most popular activity was the Treasure Hunt, held during the third week of the Carnival. This treasure hunt was different than those conducted in previous years. Students needed to combine interdisciplinary knowledge to solve the final challenge and win the prize.
11月21日 加拿大知识竞赛-探索落基山脉
Canadian Quiz Contest- Exploring the Rocky Mountains
11月22日 墨西哥知识竞赛-寻找卡拉克穆尔遗迹
Mexican Quiz Contest- Looking for Karakul
11月25日 美国知识竞赛-会跳舞的草裙
American Quiz Contest- A dancing hula
11月28日 巴西知识竞赛-巴西运动大奖赛
Brazilian Quiz Contest- Brazilian Sports Grand
11月29日 加勒比知识竞赛-横渡加勒比海
Caribbean Quiz Contest- Crossing the Caribbean Sea
11月30日 阿根廷知识竞赛-寻找失落的乐章
Argentina Quiz Contest - Finding the lost piece of music
Children tried their best to solve puzzles in a race against time, finally solving them and winning the prize!
Intercontinental Carnival events are held once a year, while reading and learning happens all the time. Our LRC will continue to enrich resources, build reading channels for all readers, open the horizons of reading, and let everyone truly feel the charm of reading and the joy of learning.
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