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14 金 8 银晋级全球赛,上海美高学校学生在2022“世界学者杯”中斩获多项大奖,满载荣誉!

14 Gold 8 Silver, Qualified for Global Finals!

Our students won many awards in the 2022 World Scholars Cup and are accomplisments!

美高学子在Marcus Rogers 老师的带领下,出征2022世界学者杯。

Under the leadership of Mr. Marcus Rogers, the students of LWS will compete in the 2022 World Scholars Cup.

此次,美高虽然派出了一支队伍3位学生:G10B Brandon Ma, Alan He,和G10C Xiyan Bi,他们都不负众望,全员获奖,在各项比赛环节中表现沉着冷静,展示了扎实的知识基础和良好的团队协作精神。


This time, LWS sent a team of three students: G10B Brandon Ma, Alan He, And G10C Xiyan Bi. They all lived up to expectations, winning awards, and showing a solid foundation of knowledge and good team spirit in all competitions. Congratulations again to the students who won. May you continue to succeed and bring honor as a LWS student!


Marcus Rogers

The ASDAN World Scholar’s Cup tests students’ debate, writing, and general knowledge skills. The Living Word Shanghai team, composed completely of tenth graders, was able to showcase their versatility and aptitude across multiple curricula. The group worked in a combination of team and individual activities demonstrating teamwork, dedication, and talent. The team’s exceptional performance garnered gold and silver medals across a wide range of subjects and qualified for the global round.



Brandon Ma

I enjoyed participating in the WSC a lot! It was a totally new experience for me to engage in a competition so innovative in format. The activities were warm and welcoming towards everyone, while we all learned knowledge. 

Xiyan Bi 

Competing in the regional round of World Scholar’s Cup was very fun and informative. I want to thank my teachers and parents for giving me the opportunity to participate in this competition and I look forward to the global round next year

Alan He

Participating in the World Scholars Cup was an awesome experience for me and it opened my mind to more ways of thinking. I will always be grateful to my teammates, Marcus, and the people that made this competition possible.

关于World Scholar’s Cup

世界学者杯(the World Scholar’s Cup)源于美国,也是耶鲁大学官方支持的全球中学生学术奥林匹克比赛,每年有来自140多个全球城市的5万名代表参与到这场学术盛宴中。每年世界学者杯会围绕一个主题(Theme),今年的主题是:

A World Re-Renewed



国际学校网《上海美高学校学生在世界学者杯大满贯,晋级全球决赛! 》原文地址:https://guojixiao.com/z/33255.html


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