
青少年正处于身心快速成长和发育的阶段 ,也是规则建立和习惯养成的关键时期。通过体育运动,帮助学生建立规则意识,培养抗压和受挫能力,形成集体荣誉感、归属感,从而培养正确的人生观和价值观,这是校队组建的目的,也是每个青少年发展过程中所需要的。
主教练Mr. Herbert Yu介绍到:”2020年校队创建之初,我们只拥有来自3至10年级的27名队员。经过一整年的努力,在2021至2022学年,我们的队伍延伸至1、2年级,人数也增加到41人。”
经过两个学年的努力,游泳校队的规模仍在不断地壮大。2022至2023学年,泳队成功招募了57名队员,他们将代表学校继续参加各类校际游泳比赛。他们坚信,获得成功的两个关键因素就是 “坚持”和“决心”。
Mr. Herbert Yu said, “In our first year (2020-2021) we recruited 27 swimmers from G3-G10 and in the following season of 2021-2022 we increased the number to 41 swimmers, included Grade 1 and Grade 2 students.”
After two successful seasons, Swim Team has expanded their size and recruited 57 swimmers in 2022-2023 and will continue to compete in various inter-school swim meets. They believe CONSISTENCY and DETERMINATION are the two key factors that make the Swim Academy success.
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凰石游泳学院,由Herbert Yu和他的团队共同组建,管理团队和教练员均为各个领域的专业人士。所有教练均持有国际或中国认证的教练证书、救生员资格证书,并接受过安全保护相关培训。教练可进行中、英文双语授课。凰石坚信可以成为学校“体育教育的提供者”,并打造结构清晰且内容专业的水上运动课程。
Herbert Yu,曾在澳大利亚执教6年,并在2005-2007年间担任新加坡国家队高级教练。随后在2008年北京奥运会期间,还曾担任印尼国家队主教练。26年间,他曾担任不同等级的游泳教练,无论是针对初学者、各年龄段教学、课后俱乐部、学校教学,甚至辅导技术娴熟的且更高水平的游泳学员,他都有丰富的教学经验。
Phoenix Stone Aquatics Academy is founded by Herbert Yu and his team in 2020. The managing team and coaching staff are formed by experts from variety areas. All coaching staff hold international or national coaching certificate, lifesaving certificate and have received safeguarding training. Our coaching staff able to conduct lesson in Mandarin and English. We see ourselves as a “Sports Education Provider” to school, provide structural and professional aquatics program.
Herbert Yu who has coached at national level in Australia for 6 years and became a senior coach of the Singapore National Team in 2005-2007. He then went on to become the Head Coach for the Indonesia National Team at the Beijing Olympic Games 2008. Having 26 years of coaching at different levels, he has rich experience in programs like learn to swim, age group, club, school, master and high-performance level.
自2020年以来,由于疫情的影响泳队能参加的比赛非常有限,其中包括ISAC10岁及以下、ISAC11岁及以上、GVAA-ISA全球全明星、ISB-SAS Swimvitational 等。尽管如此,队员们仍然取得了令人瞩目的成绩,包括13金、21银、22铜的个人奖项,在接力项目中获得1金、3银、1铜的优秀战绩,147个项目进入比赛前10名,20余名队员获得奖牌或进入比赛的前3名,75%的队员在比赛中拿到个人最好成绩!
作为世青泳队的总教练, Mr. Herbert Yu为其队伍在过去两年的表现,感到骄傲和自豪。他们纪律严明,积极参加课程;他们尊重且信任教练,每节课都认真学习、不断增进。团队取得的进步,表示我们正朝着正确的方向努力前行。团队的成功是每一个队员努力和拼搏的结果。同时,我也要感谢家长们,感谢世青的每一位教职员工,感谢我的教练团队,没有你们的支持和理解,我们也不会取得这些成绩,向你们致以由衷的感谢!
As a Head Coach of Swim Team, I am so proud of my team’s performance in the last 2 years. They show great discipline with high standard of attendance, they show respect and trust to coaching staff, and they work hard in every session. I see the improvement of my team and it shows we are heading to a right direction. The success of our team is a direct result of their efforts and dedication. Besides, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you our Swim Team’s parents, every teaching and administration staffs in BWYA and my coaching staff, we would not have been successful without your endless support and understanding. Thank you so much.
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Bowen Deng
Grade 5
I have been in the swimming team for three years. At the swimming team, I improved my swimming skills a lot. I also improved my body, by the way I trained and make my body stronger. I want to thank my coaches for the education in the swim team, which brings me a feeling of very proud of myself. I am going to keep training in swim team. My goal is to swim to second level athlete.
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Coco Wang
Grade 5
The BWYA swim team is one of the best swim-training groups I have ever been to. The environment is exceptionally clean and standard, and the coaches are very professional. In the trainings, we improved our swim scores and grades, and had a wonderful time training. It keeps our muscles good and keeps our body fit for the learnings in school.
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Tyra Liu
Grade 5
无论是个人项目,还是接力赛,都需要团队的共同努力,我们是世青“小狼队”,时刻为团队的荣誉而战!游泳不仅锻炼了我的意志,也让我更了解团队合作的意义。同时,我也学会了坚持的力量。加油吧! 狼队永远是最棒的!狼队加油!”
I have loved water since I was a child. I like the feeling of swimming freely in water like a fish. I joined the school team in grade 3, I am now in Grade 5. No matter the individual event, or relay, we need every one of the team to work together, we are the "little wolf team" time to fight for the honor of the team. Swimming not only exercises my will, but also makes me learn more about teamwork. At the same time, I also learn to persevere. Come on! The Wolf will win. Go wolf.
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Jayden Cui
Grade 7
我喜欢世青泳队。我在这里交了很多朋友,教练们也很友好。校队最吸引我的一点,就是通过努力训练,可以和队友们为世青赢得更多的荣誉。经过多年的游泳训练,它已经成为我生活中不可或缺的一部分,希望游泳可以陪伴我的一生。欢迎更多的同学加入泳队! ”
I was honored to be chosen to the BWYA swimming team two years ago. Swimming training made me more self-disciplined and more confident. My physical fitness was getting better and better, and I also made great progress on swimming performance.
I like the BWYA swimming team. I made a lot of friends, and the coaches were very friendly. The most attractive thing is that I can win more honors for the BWYA swimming team with my teammates through our efforts. After many years of swimming training, I have felt that swimming has become an indispensable part of my life, and I hope swimming can accompany me in all my life. Welcome to our BWYA swimming team together!
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Oscar Bian
Grade 8
加入泳队三年了,我很享受跟其他同学一起训练的日子。希望我能游得越来越好,并且赢得更多的胜利 ”
When participating in swim team training, I got many improvements such as acquiring the capability of managing out my time, the ability of improvements of sleeping, and the whole increase level of my body fitness. Swimming could produce a special chemical reaction, which is responsible for regulating moods, in other words, when swimming, it could not only make your mood happier, but also to palliate stress from school work that could result in better sleeping qualities.
I have been training in the team for 3 years, I enjoy having the opportunity to train with other students from our school. My goal is to swim better and better in my swimming curriers and win some competitions.
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