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走近上海德闳国际学校全人教育中的体育教与学                走近上海德闳国际学校全人教育中的体育教与学








除了日常的体育教学,德闳还提供 “启迪”课,为同学们接触体育运动提供更多的机会。同学们可以接触、学习并参与到更多的运动中,球类运动、跆拳道、武术、高尔夫、击剑、游泳、健身操、冥想等等运动都包含在内。

走近上海德闳国际学校全人教育中的体育教与学                走近上海德闳国际学校全人教育中的体育教与学                走近上海德闳国际学校全人教育中的体育教与学                走近上海德闳国际学校全人教育中的体育教与学

为了保持同学们对于运动的热情,学校会定期组织各类体育活动(《学院运动会 * 运动,到底带给了孩子什么?》),鼓励同学们参加。其中最盛大的便是我们与姐妹学校一同参与的奥林匹亚盛会(《德闳学生参加奥林匹亚盛会》),这项大型的体育和艺术竞赛每四年举行一次。





通过在赛场上的拼搏,激发同学们对于运动的热爱。另外学校还会通过选拔组建校队,带领学生参与校外的比赛,体验有关领导力(《培养学生的领导力 | 每一次组织活动,都是提升自己的机会》)、韧性和如何挑战自我极限的学习,通过运动建立起通往世界的桥梁。



体育部的中外教老师都具备丰富的教学经验,对于如何激发学生的运动热情都有独到的理解。今年,我们的体育组负责老师Paul Ifrim也将带领大家开展丰富多彩的体育活动。

- Paul Ifrim 老师-




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走近上海德闳国际学校全人教育中的体育教与学                走近上海德闳国际学校全人教育中的体育教与学                走近上海德闳国际学校全人教育中的体育教与学










Physical Education is an essential part of the outstanding holistic curriculum we offer at Dehong Shanghai. We hope to help students learn more skills through a wide range of sports such as teamwork, communication and leadership skills, and improve their physical strength through continuous practice.


Daily P.E. Classes

The PE programme at Dehong is not just about students playing sports, but about the teaching and interaction between teachers and students. Students will be taught about basic theoretical knowledge and tactical explanations, and through demonstrations, we will help students build up fundamental sports knowledge to be better applied in practice. In one semester, through four units (about 4 weeks for each unit), students in different grades will be exposed to different types of sports such as swimming, ball games, aerobics, etc. Teaching content will cover the skills and essential knowledge.

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One of the examples is the unit on ball games. We do not limit our Elementary School students to one ball game, instead we provide the opportunity for them to try different ball games, such as basketball, soccer, handball, etc. Through guidance and initiation training, we aim to improve their physical fitness and develop basic sports habits. And for the students in our Secondary School, we will select a ball for each unit and reinforce the learning methods and skills through deep learning. And by teaching and practicing in groups, students will get improved quickly. Throughout the process, our teachers continue to explore the athletic potential of the students.

Moreover, we will continue to track the performance and progress of each student. For students who are temporarily struggling in certain sports, teachers will assist students in developing their own growth plans and offer more detailed guidance; for students who have already met the standards, we will set up challenges to better support their learning and development.

Enrichment Programme and Competitions

In addition to the daily physical education, Dehong also offers “QiDi” programme, which provides more opportunities for students to get close to various sports.

Students could participate in a wide range of sports, including taekwondo, martial arts, golf, fencing, swimming, calisthenics, meditation, and ball games, etc.

走近上海德闳国际学校全人教育中的体育教与学                走近上海德闳国际学校全人教育中的体育教与学

To keep the students’ enthusiasm for sports, we will organize sports events (House Sports Competition) with our sister schools and encourage students to take part. One of the most important events is the Dulwich Olympiad (Dehong Students Participated in the Dulwich Olympiad), a large-scale sports and art competition which takes place every four years. 

Through competitions, students are inspired to play sports. In addition, we help build bridges to broader community by leading school sports team to participate in-and-off-campus competitions, and letting our students experience leadership (Cultivating Student Leadership), resilience, and push themselves to their limits.

P.E. Department and Facilities

The importance of Physical Education is not only reflected in our teaching content, but also in the teaching staff and the related sports facilities.

Both our Expat and Chinese teachers are all experienced and have a deep understanding of how to motivate students. This year, we also have welcomed our Director of Sport, Mr. Paul Ifrim.

- Mr. Paul Ifrim -

Rich teaching experience in the UK, UAE, and China with extensive experience in physical education system of different countries.

Former professional Luge athlete and competed at the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver, Canada.

Mr. Ifrim's love for sports is undeniable, and we believe his passion for sports will infect our students as well. He will work with PE team to improve the teaching and bring better and more professional physical education to our students.

In addition, our campus is equipped with a FINA standard swimming pool with 50m lanes and three standard basketball court-sized indoor gymnasiums and outdoor football court, providing advanced facilities and equipment to ensure students could have professional and safe environment here.

At Dehong Shanghai, physical education is not just about sports, it is an education of willpower, collaboration, and disciplines. The goal is to help our students to reach beyond themselves, to sharpen their will to stick to goals, and to grow up to be the talents that society needs in the future.


We will continue to cover more details about Dehong PE programme, including: 

What is the difference between Elementary School and Secondary School PE learning and the connection?

How we implement PE teaching and differentiation learning?

How would students selected to be one of the sports team?

Any related interesting students stories?

All your questions will be answered, so stay tuned!




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