
BCIS is now accepting applications for the 2023-24 school year. You can find links and information about the application process on our school’s website. If you are looking for a personalized approach to international education, a supportive school community that involves parents in their children’s learning and a school that teaches students the skills to be lifelong learners, apply to BCIS today. If you have any questions about our school, or want to experience our wonderful learning community first-hand, please join us at one of our upcoming Open House events. Read below to find out more about BCIS and the upcoming Open Houses.
For 17 years, BCIS has been challenging and empowering students to pursue their dreams. Since the school’s inception, 14 BCIS graduating classes have gone on to study at more than 300 best-fit universities in China and abroad. BCIS Alumni have continued their studies at prestigious institutions including Peking University, Tsinghua University, the University of Hong Kong, Harvard University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, University of Cambridge, Imperial College London, University of Sydney, National University of Singapore and many other highly regarded international universities.
Last year’s graduating class received offers from a wide range of international universities, including University of Cambridge; University of California, Berkely; New York University, Stern School of Business; King's College London; Pratt Institute; Vanderbilt University and Savannah College of Art and Design. BCIS and its personalized approach to learning inspires students to explore their passions, become lifelong learners and realize their dreams. If you want to set your child up for success, apply to BCIS today! Click this link to review our admissions policies and submit your online application on our school website.
Join Us at our Open House!
If you are curious to learn more about life at BCIS, we warmly invite you to join us at one of our Open House events!
Early Childhood Center
Saturday, November 12th
from 9:00-11:30 am.
Elementary School
(Grades 1-5)
Saturday, November 12th
from 1:30-4:00 pm.
Come and visit us at one of our Open House, and learn more about these events below!
Early Childhood Center (ECC)
Open House
November 12th, 9:00-11:30 am
Come and join us on the morning of November 12 at the BCIS ECC to experience our beautiful Early Childhood Center and hear messages from our school leaders and parents. Learn more about our investigative play-based approach to our IB Primary Years Programme (PYP), and how we encourage the individual development of each young learner. Take a tour of our LEED Gold certified facilities and see how our unique environment, combining sustainable design with safe play areas, provides the perfect place for your child to explore and grow.
Elementary School (ES)
Open House
November 12th, 1:30-4:00 pm
Parents of students in Grade 1 to Grade 5 who are curious to learn more about our Elementary School are welcome to join us at the BCIS Main Campus on the afternoon of November 12. At the ES Open House, you will learn more about our IB PYP framework, and how we use inquiry-based learning to encourage student exploration and discovery with a focus on preparing them for the future. Hear from our school leaders and parents and view all the wonderful facilities and activities BCIS has to offer.
Secondary School (SS)
Open House
End of November (date to be announced)
The BCIS Secondary School includes students from Grade 6 to Grade 12. We will host an Open House at the end of November, so be sure to check our WeChat account for more event details.
Scan the QR code and fill in the form to register for one of our Open Houses. These events are a wonderful opportunity to learn more about the education provided at BCIS and experience the warm community spirit our school is known for. Sign up today and start your child’s journey of personalized learning at BCIS!
Do you have what it takes to be a BCIS Warrior? Apply now!
We encourage you to communicate any queries with us regarding your 2022-2023 academic year application. Please feel free to contact our BCIS Admissions Department.
Reminder: This activity is open for external parents only. Due to the epidemic control, it is not open to students or children for the time being. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
学校现有来自30多个不同国家和地区的1300多名学生,办学近十七年来共有十四届毕业生,他们已全部升入中国及世界其他国家和地区的300多所大学继续深造。其中包括北京大学、清华大学、香港大学、哈佛大学、麻省理工学院、剑桥大学、帝国理工学院、悉尼大学、新加坡国立大学等世界一流名校。在2022年的录取大潮中,北京乐成国际学校2022届毕业生们不仅收获了来自全球综合类大学的名校offer,还收到了顶尖艺术类院校和顶尖文理学院的橄榄枝。在美国方面,2022届毕业生们收获了美国2022年US NEWS排名前25的范德堡大学、加州大学伯克利分校和南加州大学的录取;同时,在美国艺术类院校中,学生们还收到了全美顶尖的普瑞特艺术学院、加州艺术中心设计学院、加州艺术学院、纽约时装学院等各大院校的橄榄枝。在英国方面,乐成学生们斩获了英国G5的剑桥大学、伦敦大学学院、国王学院、曼切斯特大学等知名大学的录取。值得一提的是,乐成鼓励并支持学生能够放眼世界并拥有多元的升学选择,我们也欣喜于荷兰、德国、瑞典、日本等国家和地区的顶尖院校有了越来越多乐成学生的身影。乐成所有的勇士们,不断践行着乐成“文、行、忠、信”的教育箴言和乐成使命精神,坚守出发时的信仰与初心,踏上各自的逐梦之旅。
“一位难求”的幼儿园是否有准入门槛?如何判断一所幼儿园是否适合自己的孩子?想要了解更多关于乐成国际学校幼儿园“基于玩耍式学习”的教学理念和IB PYP课程吗?幼儿园部教师将会介绍以PYP框架中的培养目标为指导,利用卓越的设施、精心设计的激发孩子早期发展的课程。开放日当天,家长将参观荣获美国绿色建筑委员会颁发的LEED金级认证的教学环境。幼儿园家长会分享选择乐成的原因和帮助孩子的学习成长的心得体会,招生官员也会为家长们关心的问题答疑解惑。
乐成小学部植根中华文化,结合中西方最先进的教育经验,在充满挑战和关爱的国际化学习社区,为学生提供激发其学习兴趣与求知欲的个性化国际教育。本次开放日,乐成小学部教师将会为大家介绍IB PYP课程、探究式学习、项目研究、课外课活动和中文课的学习,并分享中西结合的优秀教育实践如何赋能学生,家长代表将分享将就热点话题分享讨论,届时学生代表也会分享自己在乐成的学习经验。
乐成中学如何通过IB课程与创思课程(IDEATE)“双轨”教学体系,为学生创造未来的个性化升学选择?从IB MYP创新奖、到苹果WWDC21 Swift学生挑战奖、再到ACAMIS创新奖, 扎实的学术铺垫和多元的乐成中学活动如何为孩子的大学学习生活铺路?秉承“最好的大学是最适合自己的大学”的升学理念,乐成如何为学生在兴趣、专业方向与学校排名之间找到平衡?中学部开放日将邀请乐成社区成员为您揭晓乐成如何为学生找到适合自己的个性化学习,并应对挑战取得成功的方法。
- 上一篇:11月12日美达菲国际学校开放日预约通道已开启!
- 下一篇:没有了
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