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Despite the restrictions of physical movement during lockdown, our footsteps to explore the world have never stopped. Reading, as an important part of our life studying from home, has opened the door to colorful wonderlands for our students. As the memories of exciting stories and experiences are still fresh, they cannot wait to share their discoveries with you all.


In April, the online bilingual story-telling contest organised by the primary section of Gold Apple Bilingual School International Department gave the students a great stage to share their stories and let their talents shine. The contest was held in two rounds and the participants were divided into different sub-groups based on their language abilities and grades.

In the first round, we received over 100 story-telling video clips, featuring classic fairy tales, fables and original stories. There was even a creative story about combating corona virus! It was indeed not easy for the judges to select only a few “most excellent” ones for the final round because every single story is equally amazing. It is the fruit of tremendous courage and hard work!




On the big day, the finalists shared their stories in front of the screen with the presence of many teachers and fellow students. Look! How confident and elegant our little story-tellers are! You may feel so amazed by their wittiness and childlike innocence if you were there.



Telling stories in this way was a new experience for most students. Their excellent performances not only impressed their teachers but also many of the parents. Some commented, “Story-telling contest is so much fun! It not only polishes up the kids’ language abilities but also develops their confidence in speaking to the world.”


Last but not least, let’s see what our judges have to say about the students’ performances.


Comments by Teacher Representative Ms. Rita Peng and Miss Helaine.


Storytelling Contest Remarks

Firstly, thank you to all competitors andstudents for trying their best and

sending through their videos. It was apleasure for us teachers to see how hardyou had practiced and tried your best tolearn the words off by heart.

lt is always difficult trying to choose the"best” students out of each class andeach grade.We looked for how well thestudent knew their stories and if theywere able to say their stories withoutreading it directly from a book or paper;which showed us how much time andeffort was put into practicing. We

listened to your tone of voice and howanimated you were when you readthrough your story.Were you hawing agood time and was it interesting to hearyou read the story,were you animatedand excited and interested in your story?lt is recognized when students havedone very well in these areas and theyare chosen to compete.

We were very impressed by the creativethinking and imagination used by

students to create stories from theprompts given. it is extremely difficult tothink on one's feet and to try and

pronounce the words clearly at the sametime.English is a second language formost if not all students and to translatethe words in your mind from your firstlanguage into English is a battle withinitself.

We are so proud of all contestants andthe families who worked and practicedfor so long with their children as well asmaking sure that the Tencent chat wasworking and connection was strong.We hope all students enjoyed thecontest and most importantly had fun!Untill we have our next competition,continue reading and expanding yourvocabulary!

国际学校网《 上海金苹果学校国际部华文中心小学段线上中英故事大赛 》原文地址:https://guojixiao.com/z/19111.html


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