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The repeated epidemic outbreaks have undoubtedly affected each and every one of us. In terms of student wellbeing some resultant inattention, anxiety and tension may impact their study and broader life. It is very important to pay attention to and dispel any negativite developments that may impact  students' mental health and learning development.


We’re often asked what we are doing to support student’s wellbeing during this time. Students learn best with stability, and one of the great things about the way in which Harrow Beijing operates is that our entire system is set up to provide that stability and consistency - no matter what may be happening in the world outside.


It is because teachers at Harrow Beijing know each of their students, as unique individual learners, that the counsellors at Harrow Beijing are able to work proactively, delivering small-group support, in addition to work with whole classes and year groups. 


Since the start of the year, and guided by our teaching teams, our bilingual counselling team has delivered targeted intervention in the following areas:


Mindfulness 专注力

Building friendships 建立友谊

Confidence 自信心

Emotional regulation 情绪管理

Exam anxiety 考试焦虑

Self-esteem 自尊心

Conflict resolution 冲突解决

'As counsellors, we know that our contribution is just one piece of a puzzle.  One of the great things about serving in the Harrow Beijing team is that we know that everything we do with a child is backed up by our teachers in the classroom.  Whenever we wave goodbye to one of our clients, we know that this child is walking back to a teacher who cares about their holistic development, and who takes personal responsibility for all their children’s emotional resilience,' Dr Rupasinha said.

“作为心理辅导员,我们所提供的帮助只是其中一部分。值得庆幸的是,在我们对孩子进行心理疏导过后,班级老师们也会一直关注孩子的整体发展及心理恢复,持续助力孩子重新建立积极的心理状态。”哈罗北京心理咨询专家James Rupasinha博士说道。

Furthermore, our students know that they are welcome to arrange a 1:1 appointment with us at any time.   We know that this support begins, and continues week-in week-out at home.  A virtuous circle, whereby the care and attention that our parents show children at home, equips them with the assertiveness and self-awareness to access the support that we offer within school hours.  No piece of the puzzle is more important that our parents, who continue to shape and mold the children who impress us so much on a daily basis.


国际学校网《北京哈罗英国学校疫情之下的学生心理防护 》原文地址:https://guojixiao.com/z/17569.html


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