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Last semester, the students have learned many different musical selections that assisted in learning various musical concepts.Today, all of the VSP students had the opportunity to present music they had been preparing for this term.




Learning how to perform is a crucial part of a school music program. It teaches the students to take responsibility to learn the music and work together as part of a whole ensemble. Vanke School Pudong has many musically talented students. VSP concert helps these students serve as leaders within their classes and help other students gain performance confidence.


每个年级都给我们呈现了精彩的听觉盛宴,从他们的演出中我们能感受到学生们在音乐课上的认真和投入,同时也要感谢浦东万科学校的音乐老师:Mr. Wesley Payne(二年级和五年级)、Ms. Monica Chen(一年级、二年级和三年级)、Ms. Diana Temirova(一年级和四年级),和Mr. Justin Darcy(三年级、六年级、七年级、八年级和九年级)的悉心指导。

Each grade level gave a performance showcasing how hard they have been working during their music lessons, while under the direction of the music teachers at Vanke School Pudong: Head of Music – Mr. Wesley Payne (2nd Grade and 5th Grade), Ms. Monica Chen (1st Grade, 2nd Grade, and 3rd Grade), Ms. Diana Temirova (1st Grade and 4th Grade), and Mr. Justin Darcy (3rd Grade, 6th Grade, 7th Grade, 8th Grade, and 9th Grade).


We look forward to seeing the students continue to enhance their performance skills during the next term.  

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国际学校网《上海浦东新区民办万科学校新年音乐会 》原文地址:https://guojixiao.com/z/15964.html


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