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1Now Back to the Club. 


为了让每一个版块的内容更贴近读者的需求,我们精心准备了100份调查问卷,对报纸的内容,发刊时间,热点话题等进行了抽调,通过club成员分发到了不同的项目部不同的年级,最终收回有效问卷80余份,经过整理和归纳,我们第一时间对原有内容的划分进行了优化和重新组合。就这样第一期的内容在各方的努力下逐渐完成了,版面风格的确定,每个版块内容的设计排版,都是在一次又一次反复的修改调整中不断完善的,在此特别感谢外教指导老师Mr.Greg对我们的所有文字内容的审核,也感谢Mr. Ray, Ms. Ginger在这个过程中的鼓励和支持,终于在2022年1月10日《龙新闻》创刊发行了。


By students, for students






2Our Content















3Editor's Words











4We Want You!



当然我们也接受您的报名,您愿意成为我们的专访对象吗?请不要犹豫,请动动您高贵的小手指添加微信, 我们将会在第一时间和您取得联系,好期待哦!

WeChat ID: a_dustt

5Join the Club!





Members of Dragon News wish you all a 

Happy Chinese New Year!!

1Now Back to the Club. 

There were around 2 months of planning for the release of Dragon News. It was a gradual process, from thinking of the name of the papers to the different sections incorporated. In the beginning, in order to know what readers would like to witness, we sent out around 100 surveys out and had over 80 responses. We then organized and sorted our future content based on the information we gathered from the surveys. And with those basic setups ready, we furthermore built on the content of our papers. But nothing could have gotten this far without the club’s advisor, Mr. Greg’s help on the editing of final articles, and aid along with support from Ms. Ginger and Mr. Ray. And finally, with the effort of all club members, we released the first issue on the 10th of January.

Seeing the printed copies for the first time, it was more than exciting to witness our product spread amongst teachers and students. And the confirmation only adds as motivation to do better. Again, incredible gratitude to members of the club and the support of the teachers.

By students, for students

2Our Content

About the different sections of the newspaper:


Mainly about the major world or China news.

School News: 

Report on activities or events that may have occurred in the campus recently.


Will contain many fun articles for example movies, books, games, songs recommendations, etc. 


Will report status on sports events whether in school or out of school.

Letters From Around the World:

Will contain articles written by teachers or students from around the world, to spread GCGS’ influence and to connect with people of different cultures.


Reporters of this section will update their own written stories, this way the interesting writing could encourage more passion in reading English materials.


Interviews will be conducted with teachers, students, faculty members, entrepreneurs, etc. their views on different matters would get a chance to be voiced out and heard.

Many other sections could be established in the future. 

3Editor's Words

At first, the goal of creating this newspaper was to demonstrate the English ability of GCGS students. Perhaps the papers could showcase how students here are not only incredible at subjects relating to sciences, but also talented in many areas. And this could become a platform to express one’s opinions, and utilizing English would provide more awareness to others outside of China, to learn about our cultures, education systems, and communicate with students or teachers around the world. Exploring daily school life activities, spreading positivity, following the latest trend, publishing the hottest news, and spreading awareness of events overseas is also the mission of Dragon News. And exploring the truth and reporting news based on facts would be the responsibility of every reporter. So with these responsibilities and missions, I would like to continue this club, and I sincerely hope more people would join our team, to make Dragon News more sensational. 

Here I would like to end with what Principal Li once said:

“I think all high school students should fight for their own dreams, I believe that it is often a youth full of battles for one's dreams the most memorable. Of course challenges and difficulties will be inevitable along the way, but these challenges are also what we have to experience throughout our lifetime. Therefore we should learn to savor the pains we go through as we fight for our own ambitions, because the remarkable thing about life, the purpose one’s life lies in doing anything to achieve our hopes.“

Thank you all for reading this article, and I hope you all a happy Chinese New Year. 

4We Want You!

Dragon News will conduct interviews with people of all sorts, whether it be teachers, students, universities, etc. If we ever come up to you for a favor, please do not be quick to reject our sincerity! Let us showcase the most beautiful sides of you through this platform. But of course, we accept any request to be part of the next issue! Want to become the next interviewee? Do not hesitate and contact us on WeChat! We will immediately start the arrangement, and I look forward to our meeting! 

WeChat ID: a_dustt

5Join the Club!

Come join the ride! Dragon News looks forward to your appearance! 

国际学校网《广东碧桂园学校《龙新闻》英文校报创刊发行 》原文地址:https://guojixiao.com/z/13996.html


(一) 由于各方面情况的调整与变化,本网所提供的【广东碧桂园学校《龙新闻》英文校报创刊发行 】仅供参考,并不意味赞同其观点或证实其内容的真实性,相关信息敬请以权威部门公布的信息为准。

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(三) 〖广东碧桂园学校《龙新闻》英文校报创刊发行 〗链接地址:https://guojixiao.com/z/13996.html , 转载时请注明来源及保留本站链接。