—— Flora W
容志坚 David T. Yung
容志坚 David T. Yung
I address this year’s New Year letter to the families of all our staff in Dehong.
I wish to thank each and every one of you for the unwavering support you provide your loved one, enabling them to fulfil the work they do in our schools. You will, of course, know your loved one as your child, your parent, or your spouse. I would like to take this opportunity to tell you more about your loved one’s day working in Dehong.
Our teachers are at the top of their profession. They excel in their work because of the care and dedication they have for their students. Whether in a conversation over lunch, or preparing for the next lesson, our teachers constantly challenge themselves to be the best they can be and inspire their students.
Our support staff are the backbone of our schools. They work tirelessly behind the scenes to ensure everything works smoothly, enabling and ensuring the best learning environments for our students. From managing the student and staff busses to run on time, assuring every person on campus enjoys a delicious and nutritious meal, to guaranteeing that all students, teachers, and staff work in a clean, healthy, and safe environment all day, every day.
The recent lockdowns have demonstrated the commitment your loved one has to ensuring the continuity of education for the students’ in their care. Without a moment’s downtime, our IT teams activated distance learning protocols to support a seamless transition from offline to online learning, for all our students.
On the occasions at home when you notice that your loved one is distracted, it is likely they are worrying about how to teach a difficult concept to their students the next day, it could be their mind is focused on an upcoming school event they have spent months planning for, or it could simply be they are thinking about how to help a colleague.
I would like to assure you that your loved one is part of our Dehong family, which strives in so many ways to help and support each other. Our Dehong family builds our Dehong communities, which connect all our students, parents, colleagues and their families. We share a common vision: to create the best international Chinese schools, so that our Dehong students can make a positive difference for China and the world.
Lastly, I would like to remind you that your loved one works in a noble industry, one where they support children in their personal growth and development. They strive to inspire their students to pursue their passions, encourage their innate curiosity, and develop their love for learning.
The future for these students is many years ahead. It is often hard to determine the exact outcome of your loved one’s hard work on the students in their care. But I am confident that these students will mature into confident adults, they will be grounded with a strong sense of their Chinese identity and committed to the responsibility they have for their communities. It is my wish that all our Dehong students will make a positive contribution to society, no matter big or small.
I hope you can share in the pride that I have for all our staff in Dehong.
Wishing you, your families and loved ones the Happiest of New Year’s!
May the golden Tiger bring us all strength, joy, and success in the year ahead.
David T. Yung
Dehong Brand Ambassador
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