北京BISS国际学校学校地址位于中国的首都,政治、文化中心北京,北京 北京朝阳区安贞西里4区17楼,,我学校本着制度与人文相结合的管理思想,凭借美丽的校园环境,舒适的住宿条件和优秀的师资力量已成为每年北京评价最好的学校之一。


An Authentic International School?
Our establishment in 1994 by our sister school ISS International School in Singapore offered us a successful model and prototype for an international school that is not dominated by any one cultural group. Our mission and vision is one of international relationships. Students do not feel that they have to relinquish their own cultural identity for the majority culture.
Our teachers come from 15 different countries and our students from 25. We offer a full International Baccalaureate curriculum to students from 2-19 years old. This programme has, at its core, the mission and core values to develop intercultural relationships and peace among the nations.
At BISS, interpersonal relationships are of great importance. Since we are a small school, it is much easier for us to establish these relationships and respond with agility to the various constituent groups. For example, many of our parents have difficulty communicating with us in English. Thus, we established adult language classes in both English and Chinese, so that the language barriers would be diminished. We also offer numerous modes to enhance home-school communication, such as email, communication books, Study-wiz, Moodle, telephone, WeChat, Facebook, newsletters, parent-teacher meetings, seminars, and face-to-face drop-in and chat opportunities.
21st Century LearningStudents at BISS use engaging technologies in collaborative, inquiry-based learning environments with teachers who are willing and able to use technology’s power to assist in transforming knowledge and skills into products, solutions and new information. This includes using a 1:1 mobile computer and iPad model, as well as our Content Management System initiatives for virtual sharing and learning.
A 21st Century Learner at BISS has the tools and the support to connect, communicate and collaborate across the school and, just as easily, across the world. In addition all learners at BISS are able to create products, often in collaboration with others not at BISS that solve problems and make a difference to the world, as we know it.
At BISS, we believe that technology skills and digital literacy should be fully integrated into all curriculum areas and teaching. During the elementary school years, students will develop appropriate tech skills that they can utilize in every subject. Technology will be used as a tool in all areas of learning and a BISS student will become fluent in the use of technology to further their learning and have the appropriate skills to do this.
All teachers and students at BISS are expected to use digital technology, including computers, mobile devices, school network facilities and associated online tools in an ethical, culturally sensitive and appropriate manner for an educational community. At all times BISS community members are expected to conduct themselves in a manner which is cognizant of the rights, feeling and freedoms of others as well as themselves.
Due consideration must be given at all times to the effects one's actions have on other members of the BISS community, the host country and our global community. When using digital technologies at home or at school, digital citizenship in terms of responsible, reliable and respectful use is expected.
BISS is located in the heart of one of the most dynamic, historical and culturally rich cities in the world. This prime location is favorable to families who prefer to live and work in the city and it cuts down the long, traffic-delayed travel time of children in school buses.
BISS was one of the first international schools to be established in Beijing for grades Pre-K through Grade 12, twenty years ago. It was founded by the Board of the ISS International School in Singapore, which itself has over 30 years of success educating students from numerous countries.
- 上一篇:北京市阳光情国际学校介绍
- 下一篇:北京市剑桥中学国际学校介绍
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