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我们有 95 位专业老师。62%来自美国,15%来自加拿大,11%来自澳大利亚,5%来自欧洲,7%来自亚洲。我们所有的老师都具备教师职业资格证,超过一半的FAQ Chinese.v02/02/10 Page 2 of 5 老师拥有硕士以上的学历。 老师均有至少 3 年的工作经验,许多已在国际学校任教。 AISG老师的平均流动率是 3.7 年。



The Admissions Process at AISG

Admissions at AISG is a 3 step process: 1. Application; 2. Qualification; 3. Seat Assignment.

All applications are subject to qualification and seat availability.(所有申请均视资格和名额情况而定。)

Step 1. Application: Please complete an online application form. You will also need to submit supporting documents (see the Checklist below) and the application processing fee. Step 2. Qualification: Once your application is complete, we will review your file. The school will take into consideration the information provided in the application, school reports, references and standardized test scores (if available) in making an admissions decision. Students may need to take an assessment as part of the qualification process. The supporting documents and assessment results must indicate that the student can achieve at a level necessary to be a successful AISG student.  Step 3. Seat Assignment: Seats are assigned to qualified students based on seat availability. If there are no seats available in your child's grade level or program, he/she will be placed in our waitpool. Please contact the Admissions Office before you make your online application to inquire about seat availability in your child's grade level.

步骤1. 申请:请填写网上申请表格。你还需要提交证明文件(见下面的核对表)和申请处理费用。
步骤2. 资格:一旦您的申请完成,我们将审查您的文件。在做出录取决定时,学校会考虑在申请、学校报告、推荐信和标准化考试成绩(如果有的话)中提供的信息。学生可能需要参加评估作为资格认证过程的一部分。证明文件和评估结果必须表明学生能够达到成为一名成功的AISG学生所必需的水平。
步骤3. 座位分配:根据学生是否有座位分配给符合条件的学生。如果您的孩子所在年级或课程没有名额,我们将把他/她安排在候补名额中。在你进行在线申请之前,请联系招生办公室询问你孩子所在年级的座位情况。

AISG Assessment Schedule, SY2016-2017

Students applying from the Guangzhou Area are required to take an English admissions test and participate in an oral interview as part of the qualification process. Once your application is complete and the application processing fee paid, we will email you to confirm your child's assessment date and time. Please follow the recommended timeline below. We will still accept applications after these dates however applications may be subject to seat availability.


Students applying from overseas or other provinces in China are not required to travel to Guangzhou for an assessment. However, if your family plans to visit Guangzhou, we will try to schedule your child’s assessment during your visit. If you do not plan to visit Guangzhou before your relocation, and if we feel that an assessment is necessary we will try to make arrangements at your current location, or we can assess your child upon your arrival to Guangzhou.


Student Support Services

AISG has an English as an Additional Language (EAL) program for qualified students in Grades 1 to 10, to help non-native English speaking students develop proficiency in English. Space in the program is very limited. AISG also has a limited learning support program for students with mild learning differences. The needs of students with learning differences should be discussed with the Admissions Office prior to submitting an application, in order to determine whether the necessary support is available at AISG.


If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us by email at admissions@aisgz.org or by phone at (8620) 8735-3393 ext. 1113, 1117 or 1121.  We would be happy to assist you through the application process.

如果您有任何问题,请通过电子邮件admissions@aisgz.org或致电(8620)8735-3393 ext. 1113, 1117或1121与我们联系。我们很乐意帮助您完成申请过程。



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