Puxi Campus Grade 5:
English PBA Showcase
After one month of hard work, Grade 5 students in the Puxi campus finished the performance-based assessment project with great success. They capped off a fun week with a showcase of their PBA last week in the theater of the Zhongxing building.
浦西校区五年级英语PBA课题历时一个月,在本周落下帷幕。上周,同学们来到中兴楼的剧场,进行了PBA 成果展示。
Students worked for weeks on this PBA, which involved writing their own narrative poems and creating a digital storyboard. Students progressed through the planning stages and created multiple drafts before creating the final product. Students used their poetry skills and digital literacy to complete the task. The final product was an excellent digital storyboard, which encouraged the students to demonstrate their use of figurative language, detail, and their ability to present an oral piece using varied intonation and emotion.
Students made the project their own with their creative videos. They included hand-drawn images, digitally drawn photographs, and even stop animation! Students were proud to see their hard work displayed in front of their fellow grade five classmates. At the same time, audiences enjoyed watching the different ways students created their digital storyboard videos.
This week, students wrapped up the project with self-reflections and conclusions. This 5th grade Digital Storyboard PBA was a great success, and we look forward to seeing more opportunities for students to show off their creativity!
文|Patrick Mullarkey, 吴垠
审稿|黄诗媛,Brie Polette
Written by|Patrick Mullarkey, Wu Yin
Pictures by|Teachers
Edited by|Huang Shiyuan, Brie Polette
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