28 Nov | LEH Open Day 来!带你沉浸式体验英式课堂 - LEHF霍利斯国际学校
When you're choosing a school, nothing beats walking through the front doors, getting to know the feel of the campus, and - most importantly - meeting the team that will be welcoming, teaching and supporting your child.
This is why we host our regular weekend Open Days. It allows working parents and their children (and it is so important that the child is involved in the choice) to visit and ask as many questions as they would like.
Please join us at LEH Foshan on Sunday 28th November, between 8:30 to 12:00.
Event Agenda
Time 时间 | Activity 活动 |
08:30 - 9:00 | Registration 签到 |
9:00 - 10:00 | Student 学生: Taster Lesson 体验课 Parents 家长: School Introduction, Q&A 学校介绍及现场问答 |
10:00 - 10:50 | School Tour 校园参观 |
10:50 - 12:00 | Talk with the Admissions Team 招生团队一对一交流 |
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