
As we introduced before, The phase 2 of Dehong Shanghai to open in September 2023 will be built into a "garden-style campus", with different themed elements of bamboo, plum, orchid, pine, and chrysanthemum (Phase 2 of Dehong Shanghai).
Many are concerned about the process of the new campus from construction to operation. So we will focus on "Quality Of Air" and use data to help understand more!
1. 20 Years
Since the establishment of the first Dulwich school in 2003, every school in the Dulwich-Dehong family has been adhering to the ultimate, excellence and pursuit of buildings and air quality safety. During the construction process, we kept consistent with the standards to ensure the safety of the air in our campus.
02: 10+ Campuses
In recent years, the Dulwich-Dehong family has completed the construction or renovation projects of more than 10 schools. Rich project experience has ensured that every link from design, planning to construction and operation guarantees campus air safety. The project experience of the sister school will also be used here to add color to the green campus and add points to the health of teachers and students.
03. 35.03% Green Rate
Dehong Shanghai will be built into a "garden-style campus", with a greening rate of 35.03% with green area covering 27,860 square meters, which not only enriches the campus landscape, but also extends the learning space for students.
04: 45 Types Of Plants
We plan to plant 22 kinds of trees and 23 kinds of shrubs and flowers. In line with the concept of "students come first” and the concern for the health of individual students, the new campus pays special attention to avoiding flowers and trees that will cause allergies, so that every student can get close to nature.
05: 2+1 Round
According to the standardised process, the handover stage will continue to be ventilated and undergo two rounds of strict inspections. The first round of testing will be in accordance with the national mandatory standards, and the school will conduct a re-inspection to ensure that formaldehyde will not exceed the standard. The second round of testing we will select technical standards to ensure pollution-free air.
06: 8 Hours
After moving to Phase 2, the school will use air detectors and handheld devices to test the indoor air quality such as PM2.5 and Co2 concentration 3 times a day to ensure that every student is in a safe environment.
07: <75μm/m3
The filtration function of the fresh air system used by the school can ensure that the PM2.5 value of the air in the classroom reaches an excellent level (<75μm/m3).
Behind these figures, it clearly shows "Students Come First". Ecological campus planning, strict inspection standards, and meticulous operation and management...We are making efforts to ensure students' physical and mental health at school.
德闳学生奖为致敬容闳先生,传承百年容闳精神,针对高中学段,上海德闳设立“德闳学生奖”。获得德闳学生奖的学生不仅需才学出众、品行端正,更要具备突出的协作精神与领导力。 同时,学校还为获奖学生准备了个性化的升学指导支持,助力其申请适配学府,成就更好的自我。
- 上一篇:石家庄金铭钥学校:活动总结
- 下一篇:没有了
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