
Yesterday, parents’ meeting was successfully held in the Anzhi courtyard with representatives from P1 to AS. Mr. Wang Shu, Chairman of Cogdel Education Group, Ms. Jiang Yi, Executive Principal of Cogdel School Chengdu, Ms. Lu Ping, Assistant Principal, Mr Bai Limin, Head of Student Development Centre of Cogdel Education Group, and teachers from relevant departments of the school attended the meeting.
Chairman Wang Shu firstly extended a warm welcome to the parents. He expressed his hope that parents should work closely with the school to create a brighter future for their children. As a national education group with 25 years of experience in international education, Cogdel Education Group has a wealth of quality resources at home and abroad in terms of academics, teachers, students and guidance for further education. Cogdel School Chengdu is the flagship K12 private international education school in the southwest region, and the group will provide the school with multi-level and comprehensive support.
Ms. Jiang Yi said that the school's values of "love, innovation, diversity, and success" are designed to ignite the inner drive and creativity of our students, nourish their bodies and minds with traditional and international culture, and nurture their growth with responsibility and compassion, ultimately fostering their ability to live a happy life and create a happy life for others.
Ms. Lu Ping gave a more in-depth introduction to the University Guidance section. With the support of the Group's Student Development Centre, the school's University Guidance service has been downgraded from AS to P9 this term, and is conducted in the form of further education classes, ECA courses and one-to-one interviews, as well as establishing students' individual further education tracking files and strengthen their backgrounds in advance, including personalized activities, competitions, scientific research and summer school projects, in accordance with the logic of overseas university admissions.
Parents expressed their approval of the school's recent changes and adjustments, and gave positive feedback and responses on teaching, activities, university guidance and facilities, etc. Parents also expressed their hope that the school could hold regular parent classes and parent clubs to provide a platform for parents to communicate.
We hope that through this meeting, parents will be more involved in the development of the school and the students to create a more diversified and effective learning and living environment for the children!
- 上一篇:广州外国语学校:中法友好交流故事会
- 下一篇:没有了
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