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In the last Model United Nations China Summit, Student Yu from our school won the "Best Representative Award" after two days of intense competition.



模拟联合国 (Model United Nations),简称模联(MUN),是对联合国大会和其它多边机构的仿真学术模拟,是为青年人组织的公民教育活动。在活动中,青年学生们扮演不同国家或其它政治实体的外交代表,参与围绕国际上的热点问题召开的会议。代表们遵循议事规则,在会议主席团的主持下,通过演讲来阐述观点,为了“国家利益”辩论、磋商、游说。他们与友好的国家沟通协作,解决冲突;通过写作决议草案和投票表决来推进国际问题的解决。


Model United Nations (MUN) is an academic simulation of the United Nations General Assembly and other multilateral institutions. It is a civic education activity organized for young people. In the event, young students act as diplomatic representatives of different countries or other political entities and participate in meetings on international hot issues. Delegates follow the rules of procedure, make their points through speeches, debate, consult and lobby in the "national interest" under the auspices of the conference's presidium. They work with friendly countries to resolve conflicts; Advance the resolution of international problems by writing draft resolutions and voting on them. In Model United Nations, young students are familiar with the operation mode of multilateral institutions such as the United Nations, basic knowledge of international relations and diplomacy, and understand the impact of world events on their future and the role they can play in the future.

ILMUNC China峰会介绍

常青藤模拟联合国是由美国常青藤盟校之一的宾夕法尼亚大学官方组织,是拥有 37 年历史,全美著名的模联会议,全球每年超 3000+ 人参会,以高含金量的学术和创新能力培养盛名,被誉为“The Tournament of Championship”。中国峰会由宾夕法尼亚大学国际关系理事会与阿思丹(ASDAN China)合作,秉持着“激励未来领导人,促进交流,回顾过去,成就未来”的核心理念,支持来自全球的代表提出利于可持续发展的各项提案,鼓励中学生树立全球观。

Model United Nations is an official organization of the University of Pennsylvania, one of the Ivy League universities in the United States. It has a history of 37 years and is a famous model United Nations conference in the United States. It is attended by more than 3,000 people around the world every year. Known as "The Tournament of Championship". The China Summit, a collaboration between the University of Pennsylvania's Council on International Relations and ASDAN China, upholds the core philosophy of "inspiring future leaders, fostering exchanges, reviewing the past, building the future", supports delegates from around the world to come up with proposals for sustainable development, and encourages high school students to be global.


The MacDuffie School

本届常青藤模拟联合国峰会活动主题是“共建平衡世界”,其中有裁军与国际安全委员会(DISEC)、联合国教科文组织 (UNESCO)、联合国人道主义事务协调厅三大委员会。美达菲余同学选择的是裁军与国际安全委员会(DISEC)这个议题,代表的国家是匈牙利。

The theme of this year's Ivy League Model United Nations Summit is "Building a Balanced World". There are three major committees: Disarmament and International Security Commission (DISEC), United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs. The topic chosen by Student Yu in Shanghai Macduffie School is the Disarmament and International Security Committee (DISEC), representing Hungary.

议题 A: 钽、石油和黄金 : 资源在引发和延长冲突中的作用

Topic A:Tantalum,Oil,and Gold:The role of Resources in Inciting and Prolonging Conflict



Topic A 参赛英文演讲稿DISECTopic A:Tantalum,Oil,and Gold:The role of Resources in Inciting and Prolonging ConflictHungaryShuhong YuShanghai Macduffie School

Hungary is an inland developed country located in the middle of Europe, bordering Romania and Ukraine in the east, Slovenia, Croatia and Serbia in the south, Austria in the west and Slovakia in the north, with a total length of 2,246 kilometers. In 2022, China's total population was 9.614 million. The capital is Budapest and the official language is Hungarian. Hungarian resources: mountainous forest dense, oak, beech, lime trees and other plains have a large grassland, the development of fertile black soil. Natural resources are poor. The main mineral resources are bauxite, with reserves ranking the third in Europe, and a small amount of lignite, oil, natural gas, uranium, iron, manganese, tantalum, etc. The forest coverage rate is 20.4%. Hungary has a long and varied history, from the original Celtic and Roman settlements to the creation of the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the liberal democracy in 1990.

The main advantage of our country is short of tantalum and gold. The main use of these metal materials is to manufacture electronic components, especially capacitors. Fifty to seventy percent of the world's tantalum is used to manufacture tantalum capacitors, which are widely used in communications, calculators, automobiles, electrical appliances, aerospace and scientific research and development. There is also a lack of natural resources, such as oil, which is mainly a chemical fuel for combustion and the "warmth" of the country depends on oil. So one of the biggest issues that needs to be addressed right now is how do we get more of the natural resources and metals that are missing in our country.

We should have a discussion about how to increase these resources and how to increase and generate them without any conflict with other things or countries.As far as I know, our natural resources are rather poor because of the type of land we are in, the terrain of Hungary is a great plain, full of rich black land and therefore lacking the necessary metals and oil.

Our country used to cooperate with Russia. "Our geographical location and infrastructure determine our capabilities. For us today, Russian gas is physically indispensable because of its transit routes, and we continue to cooperate to our advantage." At present, 65% of Hungary's oil consumption comes from Russia's Druzhba pipeline.Because our voice and influence are not strong, the stance we take is generally neutral, or we have cooperation with countries.Our country also needs to deal with some issues, such as how we are going to get our oil if Russia no longer provides us access.

I hope that the UN considering giving more resources powerful nation united with us, or want to be able to get some resource supply regularly, our advantage lies in agricultural technology, we can provide more food in exchange for our position as well as the main goal is to: national security, service, domestic economic development, improvement of people's life; Effectively responding to the challenges of globalization; Strengthen China-Eu regional cooperation and actively participate in the European integration process; Strengthen the unity of the Huns.

议题 B: 网络战和网络犯罪的安全框架

Topic B:Security framework for cyber warfare and cyber crime



Topic B 参赛英文演讲稿DISECTopic B:Security framework for cyber warfare and cyber crimeShuhong YuShanghai Macduffie School

As of 9:18 am local time on October 21, Hungary's COVID-19 prevention and control center announced on its website that 1,423 new cases of COVID-19 have been confirmed and 48 new deaths have been reported.So far, there are 34,016 confirmed cases in Hungary, 50,180 confirmed cases in total, 1,259 deaths, 14,905 cured, 25,203 people quarantined at home, and 919,481 blood tests completed.A total of 2,023 patients are currently in hospital, 201 of whom are in critical condition. Budapest accounts for 30 per cent of all infections in Hungary, 39 per cent of deaths and 30 per cent of cures.The Communications Agency of the Hungarian National Police Agency issued a notice on its website to remind people not to fall victim to scammers when using the Internet to complete the 2022 online census.

As far as I know, our nation's cyber security framework needs to be strengthened. There are more and more cases of online fraud in the country, such as defrauding money, personal information and even trafficking through the Internet. It is necessary to increase the security framework to protect the country.

I hope the UN will consider upgrading its cyber security system by adding more security tips and software, or creating TV commercials and antivirus software to provide us with better protection technology. The position and the main goal of our country are to ensure the security of our country and its people, strengthen the sense of prevention and strengthen the unity of the Huns.


The MacDuffie School

The MacDuffie School




"In the past, I always thought that I would not be able to participate in the Model United Nations or other competitions, but I really want to try, so I am very grateful to teacher Zhang Xinzhi for telling me about this opportunity. Before the competition, I did not know much about this competition, and I would be a little nervous. What I know about MUN is that it is based on UN meetings, through the discussion of historical or current events, to express views on behalf of various countries. This time, as a representative of Hungary, I participated in the discussion on the topic of natural resources. The competition lasted for two days and Quan gave a speech. Although it was not a big pressure for me, it was my first contact and I wanted to do my best.



After the competition, my harvest is that my language expression ability has become stronger, and I also have more confidence in social communication. It is always right to participate in more competitions and have more experiences and choices. This is what I gain from continuous training to find the most suitable direction for myself. Whether it is Model United Nations or any challenge in life, all our early preparations are for ourselves. Life as the most intense, the most wonderful, the most self-revealing world, brave to experience it. Mun is an experiential activity. Delegates need to integrate themselves into the diplomatic context, argue their case, seek common ground while shelving differences, and achieve win-win results. In such an environment, both my English level and my personal ability have been improved. The experience of MUN is similar to the world we live in. We just strive for the best for the country we represent. If there is something that cannot be compromised, we need to insist on it.


The MacDuffie School


First of all, I would like to thank the school leaders for their strong support for the Model United Nations Competition! Student Yu's success in this competition is closely related to her efforts and accumulation in class and extracurricular activities. Her strong logical thinking, subjective initiative, coherent English writing and fluent oral expression are the key points that helped her win the award in the competition. Mun is a great platform for students to broaden their horizons and have a big picture. By debating with students from other schools, students can stand on a higher platform and measure the world by reading, thinking and discussing in the process of reading, debating, brainstorming and learning from others.


People from different countries, different topics, and different countries and regions share the same aspiration for a happy life, concern about world current affairs, and gratitude for a better era.


The MacDuffie School


Why did you choose to participate in the Asdan Model United Nations Series?

A: 每一代青少年,都带有不同的性格标签与价值取向。模拟联合国活动的魅力之处,在于能够始终准确把脉不停更迭的青少年个性,通过联合国的外交舞台与真实的会议议题,不仅可以让学生释放出自己独特的想法与眼光,同时模拟联合国兼具高含金量、高权威性、强影响力和高国际认可度,参与模联的经历也会成为学生申请名校的重要加分项。

Each generation of teenagers has a different character label and value orientation. The charm of Model United Nations activity lies in the fact that teenagers' personalities can always be accurately assessed and constantly changed. Through the diplomatic stage of the United Nations and the real conference topics, students can not only release their own unique ideas and vision, but also Model United Nations has high gold content, high authority, strong influence and high international recognition. The MUN experience can also be an important plus for a student when applying to a prestigious university.

01 高含金量海外名校模联

High gold content overseas elite model United Nations

阿思丹(ASDAN China)作为常青藤模拟联合国中国峰会及麻省理工学院模拟联合国中国峰会官方组委会,汇聚了著名海外名校主席团与全球精英代表,为模联爱好者提供高含金量模联体验!由宾夕法尼亚大学 / 麻省理工学院模联协会资深成员担任主席团,引领代表思碰撞;中国峰会议题设置紧跟当今世界热点议题,代表们就世界热点发声,共树全球观,培养全球胜任力!

ASDAN China, as the official organizing committee of Ivy League Model United Nations China Summit and MIT Model United Nations China Summit, has brought together the presidium of famous overseas universities and global elite representatives to provide high gold content experience for MUN fans! Senior members of the University of Pennsylvania/MIT MUN Association served as presidium, leading the representatives to think collision; The agenda setting of the China Summit closely follows the hot issues in today's world. Delegates have expressed their views on the hot issues in the world, so as to build global understanding and cultivate global competence.

02 真实联合国体验

Real UN experience

阿思丹(ASDAN China)组织中国代表参与由联合国难民署官方支持和指导的模联会议,加入难民事务挑战,为难民事务发声!通过辩论产生的决议将提交至由联合国难民署成员、年轻难民领袖和独立专家组成的陪审团,最佳创意将与政策制定者分享,并在联合国难民署官方平台进行展示,数百万人关注!从模拟联合国到真实联合国,共同见证优秀决议的诞生!

ASDAN China organizes Chinese representatives to participate in the UN Model UN Conference, which is officially supported and guided by UNHCR, to join the challenges of refugee affairs and speak out for refugee affairs! Decisions resulting from the debate will be presented to a jury of UNHCR members, young refugee leaders and independent experts, and the best ideas will be shared with policymakers and showcased on UNHCR's official platform, where millions of people will follow! From Model United Nations to Real United Nations, witness the birth of outstanding resolutions!

03 名校申请敲门砖

Getting your foot in the door

参与阿思丹(ASDAN China)系列模联会议,有机会收获由联合国难民署 / 海外名校官方颁发的参与证书,优秀代表有机会获得官方认可不同奖项,并获邀参加 2023年常青藤模拟联合国 / 麻省理工学院模拟联合国国际峰会!国际高端体验、跨学科综合能力提升、高含金量证书,全面助力参会代表名校申请!

Participate in the ASDAN China series of Model United Nations conferences, have the chance to receive the participation certificate issued by the UNHCR/overseas universities, excellent representatives have the chance to win the official recognition of different awards, and be invited to attend the 2023 Ivy League Model United Nations/MIT Model United Nations International Summit! International high-end experience, interdisciplinary comprehensive ability improvement, high gold content certificate, fully help the delegates to apply for prestigious schools!


The world needs international talents with global vision, innovation ability, critical spirit and sense of social service. The students in Macduffie not only share their own opinions, but also show the way of life in Chinese culture. In addition to standing at the peak of knowledge, students will also have high emotional intelligence and mature leadership.

国际学校网《上海美达菲学校:学子在常青藤模拟联合国峰会上获得最佳代表奖! 》原文地址:https://guojixiao.com/z/37318.html


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