What marine animals are there in the sea? Are they like those in the encyclopedia? On the morning of March 9, we embarked on a field trip to the aquarium with a yearning for the sea. All the way was full of laughter, and the children were imagining everything in the aquarium.
Stepping into the aquarium, all kinds of colorful underwater creatures came into sight. Children were amazed by the immersive ocean atmosphere with various corals and countless fish in all shapes. Walking in the submarine tunnel is like being in the magical seabed. We got to know many friends of the underwater world through the guide’s explanation.
The seal show is one of the most expected parts. The sea lion star and handsome trainer presented us an exciting performance, which won cheers of the children.
Returning with a good mood, we realized the romance of the deep sea even though our body was exhausted. In the warm March, we meet at the aquarium to find beauty in the ocean and feel the world through exploration!
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