Speaker:Eric Zhao
Speaker:Brad Cao
During the break time of 28th February and 2nd March, the SSBS TV station held an exciting workshop with the topic of "Drone", which was shared by the leader of the TV station, Mr. Chen, and Brad from 9-1 and Eric from 9-6 who are members of the TV station. Students from the TV station are invited to join, and they all gathered around enthusiastically for listening to the sharing.
The sharing members are all key members of the SSBS TV station. All of them has an interest in photography in general and aerial photography as well. They are also very professional about this criterion.
This lecture is mainly divided into two parts: sharing from the members and outdoor practical operation.
In the sharing on February 28, two students talked about the use of different kinds of drones with their advantages and disadvantages, as well as some well-known drone manufacturers. Then, they shared some of their personal experiences using their drones. Compared with the camera, drones are more stable and affordable, they can capture a broader landscape, and is more suitable for beginners. It is a relatively more economical choice. At the same time, there are still some disadvantages. Drones have problems such as relatively higher risks and less refined systems. By introducing this equipment, the sharing provided students with new ideas for filming.
For the second part of the workshop on March 2, it mainly took place outside. Brad and Eric briefly introduced the usage of drones: the two control keys that can make the drone move in different directions and move freely around. Gathered in the open space of the playground, all members watched the flight of the drone and took control of the drone. During this time, there was also a small accident that reminded us that we should not only learn professional skills, but also how to be cautious when operating the drones.
At the same time, before the start of the second part of the workshop, principal Ma of Junior School SSBS awarded Eric the president of the Star Media Center. She looked forward to students from SSBS to not only achieve academic success, but also glittering in extracurricular activities and hobbies.
The success of this event is inseparable from the organization of teachers from the TV station and the support of all members. All of us had a memorable time in the workshop. We look forward to more interesting and beneficial activities from the TV station in the future, and hope that more students will participate in the next activity!
- 上一篇:上海德英乐学院:女性主义捍卫的是人的权力,渴望的是爱与和平。
- 下一篇:没有了
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