Papermaking, one of the Four Great Inventions of China. In particular, the papermaking technique improved by Cai Lun (also known as Cai Hou Paper) brought a revolution in writing. Cai Hou Paper was easy to carry and incorporated many different raw materials, whilst promoting the cultural development of China and even the whole world.
Papermaking 造纸术
How is paper made?What are the various uses of paper?How does paper change our daily life?How can we save paper?
Papermaking is one of YCIS Qingdao Year three projects in Topic class. Students will learn about papermaking and answer the questions above.
YCIS Qingdao Primary Topic Demo Class now open to register! If you haven't join the YCIS school community and are interested in YCIS curriculum, you are welcomed to join us! You will get:
Get a better understanding of YCIS school motto and curriculum 了解青岛耀中的教学理念及课程设置的绝好机会
Experience YCIS primary Topic demo class 体验耀中小学部主题课内容
Interact with your kids and learn the papermaking process 亲子互动-与孩子共同学习和体验古法造纸
Note: open to prospective families only
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