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开好局,起好步聚力新征程-SPRING OPENING SEASON-经过了一个愉快的寒假,今天伴随着春天的脚步,我们迎来了新学期的第一缕曙光,2023年第一周主题上海金苹果学校国际部升旗仪式,我们又步入了一个紧张而又充实的新学期,开始求知生涯中的又一个里程碑。




Dear Teachers and Students:

在2022年第一学期我们同学们取得了很多成绩:张佳家,高子萱两位同学在上海希望之星英语上海总决选中分别获得特等奖和一等奖,ZHAO ZERUI, YAO XINZI等同学表现突出,在NATIONAL ECONOMICS CHALLENGE比赛中斩获TOP ROOKIE个人奖,区域荣誉奖等,剑桥八(1)班TIM ZHANG在STUDENT VOICES演讲比赛中获得决赛奖项,剑桥7年级蒋杨阳同学获得ESDP上海赛区初中组一等奖,四年级(1)班陈逸格同学在浦东新区“境外学生中文风采展示活动中”荣获三等奖,多名同学在语言标化考试中取得了非常优异的成绩,何含沁和蒋瑞希同学分别获得DUOLINGGUO140分和135分的高分,涌现出一批雅思8分,雅思7分,托福100分以上,托福110分的语言好成绩。向大家表示祝贺!

In the first semester of 2022, our students made a lot of achievements: Zhang Jiajia and Gao Zixuan won the special prize and the first prize respectively in the Shanghai Final Election of Star of Hope English, ZHAO ZERUI, YAO XINZI and other students performed well, won the TOP ROOKIE Individual Award and the Regional Honor Award in the NATIONAL ECONOMICS CHALLENGE Competition, and TIM ZHANG, Class 8 (1) of Cambridge, won the final prize in the STUDENT VOICES Speech Competition, Jiang Yangyang, Grade 7 of Cambridge, won the first prize in the junior high school group of the ESDP Shanghai competition area, and Chen Yige, Class 1, Grade 4, won the third prize in the "Chinese style exhibition activity for overseas students" in Pudong New Area. Many students have achieved very excellent results in the language standardization test. He Hanqin and Jiang Ruixi have respectively obtained high scores of DUOLINGUO 140 and 135, and a batch of IELTS 8, IELTS 7 and TOEFL 100 and above have emerged, A good score of 110 in TOEFL. Congratulations!


1.   做个计划。找到你的老师做一个计划,处理你的压力来源。

2.   找个人聊聊:可以考虑找一个你信任的朋友、家庭成员或者老师聊聊你的感受,你可能会得到他们的支持或者建议。

3.   照顾好你自己。好好吃饭、好好锻炼、睡眠充足,找点时间做自己喜欢的事情,好好关照自己。

4.   保持乐观。看到上学、学习积极的一面。

5.   必要时寻求帮助。

Recently ChatGPT is very popular. Some people say that ChatGPT is no less important than the invention of the Internet and will change our world! On the first day of school, ChatGPT's suggestions on learning pressure are as follows:

1. Make a plan. Find your teacher and make a plan to deal with your sources of stress.

2. Talk to someone: You can consider finding a friend, family member or teacher you trust to talk about your feelings, and you may get their support or suggestions.

3. Take care of yourself. Eat well, exercise well, sleep well, find time to do what you like and take good care of yourself.

4. Keep optimistic. See the positive side of school and learning.

5. Seek help when necessary.


Finally, I want to say that the era of knowledge is power has passed. In today's society, thinking is power! I hope you can read more, think more, and communicate more. I wish all teachers and students a new look in the new year and greater achievements!


Good morning everyone. This is a big, positive week for our students  at SGAS. It is brilliant to see schools reopening, and to see the city coming back to life after more than than three years. While there are bound to be a few bumps along the way, I know how pleased and excited most of our students , parents and teachers will be to be back in school again.

All of us know just how much our students  have borne the brunt of the Covid-19 pandemic. They have made so many sacrifices – adapting to home-learning, missing their friends and relatives, not being able to do so many of the things that kids love to do. Your lives have been disrupted and many have struggled. It is so important in this time to be able to catch-up on the essential experiences of childhood as life begins to return to normal.Catching-up will of course include learning, and I do think that is achievable. Let’s not panic about the lessons we’ve missed, or about how far some may have fallen behind. We as teachers need to show them that we know how to look after them and to help them through The school will continue to boost children’s wellbeing and encourage catching-up on their social experiences as it will help them to reorientate back to normal. Teachers please allow our  children opportunities to rediscover play, sport, clubs and activities and spending time with their friends , this should be one of the foundations of helping them to get back on track.


二年级(2)班 王美意(EMMA)


剑八(1)班 黄迈(RYAN)

The newsemester is here, and it is a time of renewal and hope. After months of being confined to our homes, the spirit of a new semester is a welcome one. It brings with it the promise of new beginnings, new opportunities, and a chance to reset and start fresh. The long months of isolation have been difficult for many, but now there is a renewed sense of optimism and excitement. The prospect of getting back to a more normal routine is encouraging. Students can look forward to reconnecting with friends,attending classes in person, and engaging in activities. We must all strive to make this semester meaningful and productive. We can do this by setting goals, taking advantage of new opportunities, and making the most ofour time. The spirit of a new semester is one of hope and possibility. Let us embrace it and make the most of this opportunity

Thank you.

剑桥中心  刘佳悦

It is my great honor to stand here and give a speech at the first flag-raising ceremony in 2023. The title I would like to share with you today is "Jin" "Rabbit" Future, Pursuing Dreams and moving Forward ". 

Perhaps, at the moment you are looking forward to a winter snow cleaning dirt, looking forward to a touch of new green sent spring blessing, but anyway, time whistling, 2023 time has come "towards us!

Jasper makeup into a tree high, ten thousand down the green silk sash." I would like to say to the children in Apple Orchard, the vitality of the campus is made up of you with curious new knowledge, exploration attempts, happiness of life, academic achievements together; I hope you do not forget the wish to stick a small wish, do not forget the enthusiasm in your heart standing under the apple wall, the initial dream please hold in hand, the most real work please keep in mind, keep you on campus to push forward, gather your youth wisdom on campus, bloom your beautiful style on campus, in the new semester can have new harvest! 

开大附中高一(1)班 张紫玲




美国中心  安玎涓




Now we are awarding awards to the outstanding students of last semester. Please welcome the student representatives to come to the stage to accept the awards.


董子宸,梁慧欣,高祎然,孙仁真,宋明洋,罗浩允,李媛熙,邓思宇,董芷瑞,黄振南,唐纳智,阮垂银,丁恩涵,田中文明,童家依,Dorj,袁茜,陈思帆,张世佳,安唯利,胥华晨,李重增,邱添,徐昊哲,周子涵,董志文,曹俊杰,朱天骄,顾喧雯, 蔡文灏, 沈一笔, 杨子殷




李若溪,赵欣玥,贺秋笛,Ethan Joshua Douglas,张嘉辰,末泽文达,何天冯,张静怡,Kunnatee Thepalai, 郭峥,王君昊,施博文,韩乐儿,张博瑜,夏先琪,Dorj,陈诚,尚俊豪,朱浩冉,林涵,王子瑜,李安迪,肖武略,杜万正,霍欣桐,程玮琪,黄驰翔,陈蕴妍,王竞娅,刘睿恩,虞思嘉


张丽娅,佐藤圣哉,宁家,王晓浵,于熙湲,黄何望月,霍健平,张越敏,Kunnatee Thepalai, 柳星雨,柳雨都,林宰熙,中山庆优,黄迈,张若琪,Aim,张佳家,刘雨桐,单宇涵,周昊韵,吴家靖,张入文,林湘颐,邵俊海,师煜霖,张敏毓,胡敏瑞,萨茹拉,姚心梓,李昱良,胡隐都,李诗琦,朱旭,张烨,顾喧雯




Only by working hard can we gain.Let's use our hands to create a better tomorrow,To enjoy the happiness of learning, success and growth!

国际学校网《2023年第一周主题上海金苹果学校国际部升旗仪式 》原文地址:https://guojixiao.com/z/34636.html


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