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浙江肯思外籍人员子女学校课堂怎么样呢?                浙江肯思外籍人员子女学校课堂怎么样呢?


At King’s College Internationl School Hangzhou, the classroom inspires and unites students’ creativity in learning, and it’s also a place of fun, challenge and knowledge that reaps children's love.

Lisa Canham

Rebecca Colles

国际部的课堂究竟有何魅力,让孩子又能收获知识,又能获得乐趣呢?一起跟着Lisa Canham和Rebecca Colles两位老师看看吧!

What makes the students so engaging and enjoy much fun? Find out with Ms. Lisa Canham and Ms. Rebecca Colles!








Differentiating helps students to reach the curriculum objectives by ensuring they are given work within their developmental area, although some students may also need to be assessed at a lower level; they are still meeting curriculum objectives for their levels.

浙江肯思外籍人员子女学校课堂怎么样呢?                浙江肯思外籍人员子女学校课堂怎么样呢?


We divide levels first by test results, and we constantly re-assess students through formative means such as their class work, homework and also after assessments. As students are constantly developing they may need to move levels throughout the year. Students will often not be the same level across subjects, so it’s important to re-assess each subject and issue work according to their level in each subject. In order to differentiate successfully, it’s vital to know your students and their levels and interests.


差异化教学的方法多样。例如:四年级老师Ms. Rebecca在教“后缀”一课的课堂上,会先请全班学生思考并举例说明什么是后缀。水平较高的学生往往会先分享自己的答案,老师鼓励其他同学从中学习,并引导他们也提供出自己的例子。


There are many ways that differentiation can be applied in the classroom. One way that Ms. Rebecca Colles often uses is to instruct the whole class in a topic, for example suffixes. Students are invited to give examples; lower students can learn from hearing examples from the higher students – this often results in the lower students then offering their own examples. Then some group work; students work together in groups (can be same or mixed ability) to answer some questions. Then, for the individual work students are given different level worksheets to complete. However, further extension work is also provided for students who require it. Homework is also differentiated into levels, also including more optional extension work for students who need it. Some students may also be given extra work to catch them up to their peers.

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By differentiating, students are able to progress at their own rate, and differentiating allows us to meet their needs. Differentiating takes a lot of extra planning and preparation time, but it’s well worth the effort as students are more engaged and enthusiastic about their lessons.


Making The Lessons More Engageing



The lessons that teachers unilaterally instil knowledge no longer meets students' needs and makes it difficult to stimulate their interest in learning and creativity, so "how to create an interesting classroom" has become a question that many teachers are thinking about.




What grabs students’ attention? Engagement is big and bold and captivating – but most of all it is memorable.

课堂上的小改变也会带来大效果,Ms. Lisa Canham老师发现大部分学生不喜欢被简单的灌输知识,因此她在课堂上会尽量避免使用简单的表格,简单直接的问题并不会让孩子感兴趣。她在课堂上会尽量让学生去探索,改变传输知识的方式,会让课堂更吸引人,让学生每天满怀期待地走进她的课堂。

I try to avoid using worksheets in the classroom because most students are not stimulated by them. Plain and simple, worksheets are not engaging. (To be clear, it’s not the content on the worksheets that’s the problem, but rather the monotonous delivery.) Changing up the delivery method makes the content engaging. And this is why I try to make my classroom / lessons magical, so students want to run through my door, every day, filled with anticipation.




She enjoys using games in her classroom to enhance the learning content. Games should involve all the students and they should never be put on the sidelines in the first round because they got the answer incorrect.

However, engagement has to also be paired with academic rigor. It is not engagement if the students are not learning something. It’s not about how fast the teacher goes through the curriculum but rather focusing on application by allowing students to use skills and concepts through hands-on, higher-level-thinking activities.


Creating a Classroom Environment With Warmth




The classroom environment is a huge part of student engagement. But environment pertains to more than just the actual physical space and the classroom décor. Ms. Lisa Canham also creates a specific type of learning environment through classroom management strategies, relationships, and classroom culture. Engagement happens when she establishes an environment that is relevant to her students, reflects their interests and hers, promotes learning, and is both visually and emotionally appealing.






Another way to foster engagement through the classroom environment is a classroom transformation. SETTING THE STAGE TO ENGAGE the students. This is where Ms. Lisa Canham bring in props, backdrops, sound effects, and whatever else she need to magically transport the students to a whole different environment—like a carnival, a hospital, or an animal safari.


Again, the décor must support academic achievement. When the teacher can match rigorous content to her theme, the students get so excited about being in a different space that they’re energized from the moment they walk into the room. They’re attentive and focused because it’s not just another day of being a student at school—they step out of their skin and become a movie star or a surgeon or others.


“为你的学生提供不一般的经历,他们会以不一样的努力和态度来回馈你。”正如Dave Burgess所说,从各个角度精心为教学做好准备,学生就能从中感受到学习的快乐,收获学习动力。

“Provide an uncommon experience for your students and they will reward you with an uncommon effort and attitude”. As Dave Burgess said, by carefully preparing for teaching from all angles, students will feel the joy and motivation of learning from it.

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