
Our school held a dodgeball competition in the Wednesday physical education class. The competition was hosted and organized by the Student Council. Each house has 10 students competing for their house. The winning house will have the opportunity to have a competition with the teachers, and also some free drinks.
First came the grade 8&9 competition between Kinney and Seuss. The students on the field, are all ready to fight it out in the game. With a hurried whistle, the fierce game was over. Seuss won the game!
After several rounds of competition, Kinney and Seuss from grade six and seven made it to the end again. The cheers of students and teachers began the competition. As sweat dripped on the gym floor, and the end of the game came to a end as the whistle blows. Kinney won!
At the end of the tournament, we had a friendly match between 8&9 Seuss and the teachers. More laughter is heard this time. In such a relaxed atmosphere Seuss of grade 8&9 won “surprisingly”.
With the laughter of the students, this house activity came to an end. Friendship first, and competition second.What is important is that we have experienced the spirit of striving,unity and effort in the process. After that, we will continue to meet in the gym on the last Wednesday of every month and organize more and more wonderful house competitions for you. Let's look forward to the next meeting between houses, enjoy the fun, and grow together.
- 上一篇:上海诺科国际学校品格教育活动:诚信
- 下一篇:没有了
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