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心存志远,终至千里。敢想敢为,善作善成。10月27日上海市民办尚德实验学校融合部美加第二届模拟大学展成功落下帷幕。九到十二年级的三百多位学生兴致昂扬, 畅游大学信息区、全球交流互动区、模拟面签体验区、云探校欢乐区,体验了大学申请流程,走向梦校,希冀未来。

If one bases their ambitions on great goals, then eventually amazing accomplishment can be achieved. Dare to think, dare to do. When you do something, do it with your heart and do it well. On October 27th, the Noble Academy witnessed a successful close to its 2nd University Tour. Driven by high spirit, over three hundred students from Grade 9 to Grade 12 visited different areas, including the University Enrollment Information Center, the Global Communication and Interaction Center, Simulated Visa Interview Center, Online School Tour Center, which allowed them to get to know their dream school and infuse hope for their future. 



Express Train to Enrollment


Students from the Noble Academy represented 14 renowned universities oversea. Students designed university exhibition booths and posters with their creativity and innovation. They also played propaganda videos to introduce the campus information to the visiting guests in both Chinese and English. With professional presentation skills and strong affinity, they make the visiting students look forward to campus life more.

上海市民办尚德实验学校融合部美加第二届模拟大学展                上海市民办尚德实验学校融合部美加第二届模拟大学展                上海市民办尚德实验学校融合部美加第二届模拟大学展                上海市民办尚德实验学校融合部美加第二届模拟大学展                上海市民办尚德实验学校融合部美加第二届模拟大学展


A letter from afar


The greatest encouragement comes from the videos sent by the seniors. This is because they had undergone similar hesitation and confusion. Yet they kept going forward, and marching into the dream school. The proverbs from afar have impressed the students present, and made them take a vow silently that "Sooner or later, I will also become a member of the dream school"!



Impress the interviewing officer


Cutting through all the activities, the students finally came to the interviewing officers consisting of the international teachers and school counselors. Here, they have the opportunity to get familiar with the visa application procedure, and to prepare themselves for the problems regarding visa application they may encounter in the future. He who has a thorough knowledge of the enemy and himself is bound to win in all battles.

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Dream school, I'm here


The most popular area among the students is the Dream School Experience Center. Students who got to visit the schools can get awards such as souvenirs, university medals, and badges by answering questions from the host class. Being eager to have a go, all classes brought the inclusive and confident atmosphere of overseas universities into the experience link, so that everyone can personally feel the charm of the campus life of their dream school.

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Thoughts from students




—10C 林艳娜

The University Tour is meaningful in the way that it allowed students to improve their self-innovation, cultivate group consciousness, and hone a variety of skills, such as organizational capability and presentation skill. The University Tour also helped many students to have a deeper understanding of their dream school, making them more determined in achieving our goals. As an organizer in my class, not only had this activity improved my abilities in all respects, but it had also broadened my experience. For me, it is a great honor to contribute to the class. I will take an active part if this fair happens next year.

—11A 赵楷欣



Thoughts from teachers

The University Tour offers an amazing platform for students to get to know about the leading universities and the application procedure. Meanwhile, students can cultivate their ability in all aspects. After this, everyone, I believe, will work harder in their future study and preparation to move forward to their dream school.


By participating in this exhibition, students can have a tangible experience of an overseas university application and more clear goal for their future academic planning. Although it takes a lot of time and energy to prepare for such an event, it is gratifying to see that students are one step closer to their dream school.                                  


The tour gave a great deal of motivation for students to exert more effort regarding their studies so that they can achieve their dreams. The people involved in preparation showed a lot of creativity in making the event wonderfully possible. I myself enjoyed it! 




The warm autumn sun illuminates the dream while the glorious flowers in spring and sweet fruits in autumn witness hope. Applying for dream schools cannot be accomplished suddendly. Instead, it will be achieved one step by step. Through this activity, we wish students can know themselves well. More importantly, they are motivated to think, act and move firmly towards their ambitions.


国际学校网《上海市民办尚德实验学校融合部美加第二届模拟大学展 》原文地址:https://guojixiao.com/z/32004.html


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