今天,我们邀请到康德双语义务教育部主任陈涛老师,以及执行校长Dr. Oliver Kramer为我们谈一谈康德双语如何帮助转学生适应新的校园生活。
11月上海康德双语实验学校热诚邀请所有想要进一步了解我校初中课程的家长们参加中学部信息咨询会,您也有机会和视频中的两位老师交流沟通。此外,信息咨询会当天,学校副校长 、学术副校长以及大学升学指导等将分别为家长带来学校办学理念、课程设置和特色介绍。
Shanghai Concord Bilingual School is the first bilingual school from G1 to G12 established in Huangpu District. We strictly follow the curriculum plan of the Municipal Education Commission and make full use of our advantages as a bilingual school to achieve the integration of two languages and two cultures. Our courses are divided into the Compulsory Education Curriculum, the International Curriculum, and Project-Based Learning (PBL).
How can SCBS help the new starters integrate to SCBS as quickly as possible? Today, we invite Mr. Tao Chen, the Director of Chinese Compulsory Education and Dr. Oliver Kramer, the Executive Principal of the school, to talk about how SCBS helps new starters to adapt to the new campus life.
The middle school implements a bilingual curriculum and a "Mobile Learning System". There are two tutors in each class at SCBS, one Chinese tutor and one English tutor. The dual -tutor system is a good balance between our students' language background and their learning needs. The dual -tutor system allows students to integrate into the school as soon as possible. Additionally, the school has designed a companion program. The tutors will arrange a classmate as the companion for the new starter. With the company of the classmate, a new student can quickly get familiar with the school.
SCBS pays special attention to students who transferred from public schools and we do our best to help them. All of our students make great progress very quickly and get admitted to their dream universities. In addition to college counsellors, our teachers who come from different countries, will help the students with the application process and explain the college requirements, ensuring our students choose the best college.
We sincerely welcome parents who would like to have a better understanding of our Middle School curriculum to attend our Information Session, which will be held in November.
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