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Wuhan Yangtze International School (WYIS) is a well-established international school for expat children. Estabished in 2003, WYIS holds accreditation for grades Pre-K through 12. WYIS is committed to providing a transformative, holistic, K12 education to develop globally minded individuals who learn, love, and lead. The WYIS vision is "World-class servant leaders raised up in every vocation." The school uses a North American curriculum with English as the main language of instruction.

学校在2008年就获得了全球知名机构的认证(Cognia),这样可以保证学生的成绩和学籍被世界各地的学校管理机构及高等院校认可。同时学校是东亚海外学校联合会(EARCOS)及中蒙国际学校协会(ACAMIS)的会员,美国大学理事会(College Board)的合作伙伴,为了学生更好地进入大学,学生可以在学校参加SAT赛达、PSAT、ACT和AP的考试(官方考点)。

WYIS was accredited by a world-renowned institution (Cognia) in 2008, which ensures that students' performance and status are recognized by school management agencies and institutions of higher learning around the world. At the same time, the school is a member of the East Asian Association of Overseas Schools (EARCOS) and the Association of China-Mongolia International Schools (ACAMIS), and a partner of the American College Board (College Board). WYIS is an official SAT testing center and well prepares its students for university life by offering the SAT, PSAT, ACT and AP exams (official test sites).


The school currently has 256 students from 25 different countries and regions around the world. WYIS has 95 teaching staff, including 45 foreign expats. For more than 10 years, the school has served more than 1,000 students. WYIS high school graduates have been accepted universities around the world such as the University of Pennsylvania, Southern California, and many others.


WYIS also offers courses in Chinese and Chinese culture to help its students embrace and better understand their host country. At the same time, the school encourages students to actively participate in various competitions and activities as part of the International Schools Consortium.



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