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  2022的FOBISIA(The Federation of British International Schools in Asia)诗歌比赛分为初高中两个赛道,对所有FOBISIA学校开放。比赛的主题仅仅只有一个词:‘Survival’(生存),没有明确定义,没有形式限制。



    前段时间,我刚好有幸了解到concrete poetry(图案式有形诗体)。这是一种以独特文字的排列方式而主打视觉排印冲击的诗体。我想,诗歌也可以像画一般,让不会读写的群体也能理解,感受。 所以我特地把诗词排版成一个冥想的姿势,其含义为在疫情世界的喧闹中沉淀内心,寻找自我。虽然灵感源于concrete poetry,但是我在诗词方面还是下了功夫,藏了很多小细节,并没有遵循该诗体往往忽略文字意义的常规。

  很开心这首诗能够得到深圳国际交流学院超级可爱的Cooper老师,学校,和FOBISIA的认可。也很幸福在创作的过程中一次次找到了word power!

  The competition’s organizer, Mr Matthew Green of Swire European Secondary Campus, commented: ‘I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate…Yoyo Chang on winning 1st place in this year's KS4/5 FOBISIA poetry competition! This year's competition was fierce, which speaks volumes for the quality, creativity and lyricism of Yoyo's untitled concrete poem focusing on the theme of "survival".’  Ms Cooper would like to thank all entrants to this year’s internal competition and remind all SCIE students to keep writing creatively over the summer holidays!

——Ms Cooper

  English version:

  The 2022 FOBISIA Poetry Competition was open to all KS3 and KS4/5 students from FOBISIA Member Schools. The theme of the competition is one sole word: ‘Survival’, no fixed definition, no form restrictions.

  On a Sunday morning, I saw the competition poster and the word ‘survival’brusquely jumped into my sight. Immediately, the gray and black recording of the ongoing pandemic popped up. Some are no longer living, but rather surviving; others like me, in the disorders of online lessons, quarantines, COVID tests, and other pandemic inconveniences, grow increasingly unsettled and lost. As a result, I decided to attend the contest using ‘suvival’ as the frame and the pandemic as the stand.

  Recently, I got to know an intriguing type of creative writing called concrete poetry, which is a form of poetry that employs unqiue linguistic arrangements to accentuate visual, typographical effects. I wonder, poetry can in fact be like painting; I hope to produce a writing which even the illiterate group can ‘read’ and ‘feel’. Therefore, I intentionally format the poem into a meditation pose, delivering my central message: in the midst of the pandemic chaos, let us sediment our mind, let us find our self. Albeit my idea orginated from concrete poetry, I still carefully crafted my language, thinking outside the box of concrete poetry (which neglects verbal significance).

  I felt so honoured to win the acknowledgements of Ms. Cooper, SCIE, and FOBISIA. I felt so happy finding the power of words once and once again on this beautiful journey.


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