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上海中学国际部G4-5 | 别样的表达,诗歌的狂欢



  对于浦西校区四、五年级的学生,诗歌的意义远不止于此。它还可以是一个表达情绪、解释内心感受和讲述真相的方式。在第15周,四五年级的同学们用特别的方式度过了英文诗歌周! 在这一周里,老师们介绍了不同风格的诗歌,同学们学习写诗歌,尝试用不同的方式来表达自己。

    Poetry is a form of writing that the dictionary describes as, “the art of rhythmical composition, written or spoken, for exciting pleasure by beautiful, imaginative, and elevated thoughts.” However, students in grades 4 and 5 of the Puxi campus learned that poetry is so much more than that. It can be an outlet to express your emotions, explain your feelings, and tell your truth. During week 15, grades 4 and 5 in the primary division celebrated their Poetry Week! Throughout the week, each grade was introduced to different styles of poetry and wrote their own poems to express themselves in different ways. 

上海中学国际部G4-5 | 别样的表达,诗歌的狂欢


  Grade 4 students started their poetry week by learning about the elements of poetry, including rhyme, rhythm, and repetition. Grade four students let their creativity shine by comparing characters from books, animals, landforms, and even connected their poems to what is being learned in science class!

  接下来,四年级的同学学习了《These Eyes》的诗歌结构。通过这首诗,学生了解到不同的表达方式。是的,我们不仅可以通过语言来表达自己,还可以通过其他方式,比如身体语言和一个重要的身体部位—我们的眼睛。学生们将眼睛的表现力与语言相结合,讲述了他们对各种事物的感受。四年级的老师们对每首诗的创造性和思想性感到惊讶!学生们通过诗歌能够表达他们快乐和悲伤的感受,表达他们对周围世界的感知,并告诉读者他们的梦想。为了配合诗歌,每个学生都创作了一幅作品,将诗歌中他们最喜欢的部分描绘在瞳孔中。


  Next, fourth grade students were introduced to a poem structure called “These Eyes.” This poem taught students about different ways to express yourself. Yes, we can express ourselves through words, but there are other ways as well, including body language and one important body part - your eyes.  Students combined the expressiveness of their eyes with words telling how they feel about a variety of things. The fourth-grade teachers were amazed at the creativity and thought put into each poem! Students were able to express their feelings about the world around them, their feelings of happiness and sadness, and tell the readers their dreams. To go along with the poems, each student created a piece of artwork depicting the favorite part of their poem in the pupil of their eye. Fourth grade wrapped up their Poetry Week with the annual Poetry Slam. Students who wished to present their poems participated in the event. Their performances were voted on by their peers, and three were chosen for first, second, and third place. 

上海中学国际部G4-5 | 别样的表达,诗歌的狂欢

  同时,五年级的学生开始了一个与他们正在阅读的小说有关的诗歌单元。老师们向S班和S+班的学生介绍了Limericks,幽默的五行诗,主题是 "我窗外的世界"。老师们鼓励同学在周围的世界中寻找灵感,根据他们在环境中看到的东西创作一首打油诗。H班的学生结合他们正在学习的小说《爱丽丝梦游仙境》写了一些无厘头的诗句。在这部小说中,作者刘易斯·卡罗尔把现有的诗句变成了无厘头。学生们首先将这些诗与原作进行了分析,就作者为什么在写作中使用这种技巧展开了讨论。他们可以选择创作自己的原创诗歌,或者使用现有的诗歌,使之成为无厘头诗歌。在本周结束时,学生们在英语线上课堂的诗歌狂欢活动中表演他们创作的诗歌。

  Meanwhile, grade 5 students started a poetry unit connected to novels they are reading or have read previously. S and S+ students were introduced to Limericks, humorous, 5 lined poems. The theme was “The World Outside My Window.” Students were encouraged to find inspiration in the world around them to create a Limerick based on things they can see in their environment. Students in H level wrote nonsense poems in connection with their current novel study Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. In the novel, the author Lewis Carroll took existing poems and make them nonsensical. Students first analyzed these poems with their originals, opening discussions about why the author used this technique in their writing. Students were then asked to write their own nonsense poems. They could create their own original poem, or use existing poems and make them nonsense poems, just like the example in their novel study. At the end of the week, students performed their poems for their classmates during the Poetry Slam in English E-classes. 

上海中学国际部G4-5 | 别样的表达,诗歌的狂欢


上海中学国际部G4-5 | 别样的表达,诗歌的狂欢



  Overall, students had a fun week of expressing themselves in ways that may be new to some. It allowed for creativity, innovation, and of course fun! The teachers of grades 4 and 5 are so proud of the hard work students put into their poems and performances! Our greatest hope is that students continue to express their feelings through poetry as an outlet for emotions, creativity, and learning!  “You can find poetry in your everyday life, your memory, in what people say on the bus, in the news, or just what’s in your heart.” 

  —Carol Ann Duffy

    “A good poem is a contribution to reality. The world is never the same once a good poem has been added to it. A good poem helps to change the shape of the universe, helps to extend everyone’s knowledge of himself and the world around him.” —Dylan Thomas.


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